HammRadio Today: 02/07/2006 -- Scarlett's Cankles???
Last Modified
2/7/2006 4:34 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Vanity Fair hits the spotlight with a big white scarlett ass. Tom Hanks gets younger via CGI. And French Maids teach us how to do a video podcast.

Scarlett Has a White Ass and Cankles??
Vanity Fair loves the press. They also love putting nude women on the cover of their magazines. But in the end... these aren't nude photos. Okay, maybe you dont' want your 8 year old boy looking at it. But you might as well have these kids in leotards. Besides... the worst part of the pics, is that you have ignored the best feature of Scarlett, her heaving bosom. Bosom that was made for corsets and push up bra. Her Milky White breasts remind me of the girl from the short story by John Updike A&P.
Instead, Vanity Fair has chosen to focus on her ass and legs. Which if she was just a regular girl, would be fine. Wouldn't throw her out of bed. But a dream gril like Scarlett... well... you can bend my beckham, but my pole isn't standing up for those cankles.
- Ugly Celebrity Pictures
- So I just spent some time dissing Scarlett and her picture in Vanity Fair. This guy takes a shot at everyone in Hollywood. Yikes.
- How to do a video Podcast as told by French Maids
- So I've been thinking about some options for a video podcast. But I haven't decided if I have the right tools. And really to do a good job. And besides, I don't have an video iPod. However, if these chicks are watching... I might have to get one. Isn't vacuuming fun?
- daVinci Code trailer... Tom Hanks... The chick from Amelie... and The Louvre
- Tom Hanks looks great. They look like the CGI'd 30 pounds off of him, and he looks 10 years younger. I can't wait for this one.
- More Cowbell from the Sports Guy
- The Sports Guy on various topics...
- Babe of the Week Nominees: Scarlett and Keira Knightley
- They're nude and they are lovely. Actually, not really.