HammRadio Today: 12/22/2005

HammRadio Today: 12/22/2005

HammLinks: Around the Web Today

Stalin, the CIA and a creepy Pope. What more can you ask from the links of the day. Of course looking at links for JFK has got me all worked up by JFK stuff again. Geesh.

  • Should the CIA be eliminated???
    Interesting treatise on whether the CIA should be eliminated. I'm not sure if that's a good idea. The last guy who tried to break the CIA... ended up Dead.
  • This Pope is Creepy
    Look I know you are supposed to be reverent towards the Pope. But man, Pope Benedict is just plain creepy. Our last pope was an actor growing up. He had good looks. He was well versed in a bunch of languages. This guy? This guy looks like your creepy old uncle who you refuse to sit on his lap.
  • Stalin's Ape Men
    I'm not saying Stalin was nuts. But that Mother F'er was NUTS. As bad if not WORSE than Hitler. But we needed him to kick Hitler's ass.


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HammRadio Today -- Articles

HammRadio Today: 12/22/2005

Last Modified
12/23/2005 1:18 AM
Story Summary
Stalin, the CIA and a creepy Pope. What more can you ask from the links of the day. Of course looking at links for JFK has got me all worked up by JFK stuff again. Geesh.
HammRadio Today: 12/22/2005

HammLinks: Around the Web Today

Stalin, the CIA and a creepy Pope. What more can you ask from the links of the day. Of course looking at links for JFK has got me all worked up by JFK stuff again. Geesh.

  • Should the CIA be eliminated???
    Interesting treatise on whether the CIA should be eliminated. I'm not sure if that's a good idea. The last guy who tried to break the CIA... ended up Dead.
  • This Pope is Creepy
    Look I know you are supposed to be reverent towards the Pope. But man, Pope Benedict is just plain creepy. Our last pope was an actor growing up. He had good looks. He was well versed in a bunch of languages. This guy? This guy looks like your creepy old uncle who you refuse to sit on his lap.
  • Stalin's Ape Men
    I'm not saying Stalin was nuts. But that Mother F'er was NUTS. As bad if not WORSE than Hitler. But we needed him to kick Hitler's ass.


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