HammRadio Today: 9/16/2010 --
Good News In Email... Playoff Tickets Are Coming... Too Soon?
Last Modified
9/17/2010 12:16 AM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
It's that time of year. Playoff tickets are coming. And you don't even know yet if we're in it. But every year you get the email and every year you feel different.
Contact Mike Cunningham at Mike (at) HammRadio.com
Just got my UPS notification that playoff tickets are on their way.
While some might argue that e-mail is dead. That email message certainly brightened my day. Or just made the anxiety level go up. 3 games up. 15 to play. Oh boy. Still I'm sure some fan somewhere (most likely in New York) will call this some sort of jinx. Yet every year, every team in contention sends out invoices in late August, with a deadline in early September, and delivery in the middle of the month. Whether you are 7 games out with 17 to play or 3 games out with 15, you have already made the transaction. Seems silly I know. Perhaps its some sort of scam where they gather all this cash up front, buy a bunch of land in Arizona and sell it to some ninnies. Always be closing, I guess.
As season ticket holder since the Vet, the yearly playoff ticket ritual has taken on a different flavors. At one point that missive was a envelope full of mocking hope. Then it became a perceived jinx. Later, it became a joyous present. Now, its welcome reminder of the ups and downs of a tumultuous summer.
Every year it feels different. In fifteen years I hope to take that message for granted.
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- Happy Birthday Hip-Hop
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Sugarhill Gang "Rapper's Delight" YouTube *** POW OF THE DAY ***