HammRadio Today: 02/06/2006 --
The Day After the Super Bowl
Last Modified
2/7/2006 2:16 AM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Well, it's the Day After the SuperBowl and who is everyone talking about? Hines Ward? No. Magic Fridge! And why was the GoDaddy commerical so lame?

Well, it's the Day After the SuperBowl and who is everyone talking about? Hines Ward? No. Candice Michelle, the GoDaddy.com girl. But what everyone REALLY is talking about is the Super Bowl Ads, and we break this years ads at Innertube. But without further adieu or favorite ad was the "I'm going to Disney World Ad". It was sweet, funny, and related to the game. I just have one question, why Phil Simms? He was the first one to say "I'm going to Disney World.". Check out the history of the spot. See you always learn something here on HammRadio!
What about the thoughts on the game? Well, we'll break that down in a final version of the Sunday Night QB... on Tuesday, here and on the Proof of Concept. Check back later...
- What's the Donovan Index? At what point in the game McNabb might throw up?
- No, it's actually a mathematical formula to prove how well your city is winning championships. Philadelphia? Not so good.
- Great Article on the head coach of La Salle University Mens Basketball team, Dr. John Giannini.
- He has helped turn this team around and the Explorers have an excellent shot at getting a winning record for the first time since I was in college at La Salle. Yeah... THAT LONG AGO!!!
- Sean Penn brings back fond memories of Beating the Paparazzi at brother's funeral.
- I know we are supposed to remember Chris Penn. But it's been a while since we forgot that Sean Penn can be a dick. Actually, I'm kidding. In this case, taking pictures at a funeral is tasteless. Unless, there are hot chicks there and you need to catalog it.
- Face Transplant Reciepient Shows Her Face... Asked to Hide it Again
- Remember that old Twilight Zone episode where a beautiful woman (Donna Douglass, Elly May from "The Beverly Hillbillies" is revealed underneath bandages after having surgery on her face? She looks at the mirror and SCREAMS bloddy murder. And then you see the doctors... My Dad had a great line when I sent him the link: "hard to believe this is an improvement over no face!" My buddy Kyle from Lakeside-park.com said this "I think I could do a better job with a pizza cutter and some thread." I just want to know why she sounds like John Travolta though?
- HammRadio.com's suggested On-Line listening Stations
- Pows of the Day:
Midnight Oil "Beds Are Burning"Woxy.com Vintage
Replacements "Can't Hardly Wait"Woxy.com Vintage
Pixies "Monkey Gone To Heaven"Woxy.com Vintage