HammRadio Today: 01/02/2006 -- A$$-Hole of the Year for 2005
Last Modified
1/2/2006 7:40 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Well the New Year is upon us, and we have some links for you. We started doing some JFK Assassination research again. Yeah, yeah, I know.

Well the New Year is upon us. And we have picked our Asshole A$$-Hole of the Year. And it's none other George W. Bush. Although, next year I should include a category for Companys that were A$$-holes. In particular, this year it would be Sony-BMG for their Root Kit "Solution". I spent most of my evening REMOVING their software from my machine.
It is amazing that a company would put software on your machine, that could leave you open for attacks. That is supposed to be funny considering 99 per cent of HammRadio.com readers, use IE. But, seriously, Sony-BMG, you f-ng SUCK.
- JFK Murder Solved?
- Another video interview with James Files. Another you say? Well on the Original HammRadio I reviewed it here.
- Ted Rall | Return of Information Awareness
- If you ever wonder whether or not the government should be spying on you. Well here's a clue.
- Mixing Phil Hartman Metphors
- I'm not sure if DJ Gallo meant to call Mike Tice Unfrozen Caveman Coach or Frankenstein both characters are Phil Hartman characters from SNL. Maybe he was trying to be funny. But he might as well pulled a Troy Mclure out for Tice: My Name is Mike Tice, you might remember me from such scandals as Super Bowl Ticket Scalping, the Original Whizzinator and You, and The Love Boat: Purple Waves.
- HammRadio.com's suggested On-Line listening Stations
- Pows of the Day:
Old 97s "Timebomb" Woxy.Com
Oasis "Supersonic" Woxy.Com
The Catherine Wheel "Judy Staring at the Sky" Woxy.com Vintage
Hooters "All You Zombies" Woxy.com Vintage
Michelle Shocked "Come Along Way" Woxy.com Vintage
Barenaked Ladies "Alcohol" HammRadio's Launchast Station
The Psychedelic Furs "Love My Way" Y100 Rocks -- Philly