HammRadio Today: 07/11/2005
Last Modified
7/12/2005 1:58 AM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Karl Rove tried for Treason? Soccer Moms and Evolution? The Big Wiesy? Skywalker's Light Saber? All that today?

Karl Rove, Terrorist?
Rush Limbaugh said today: "From everything I'm reading, I don't think Karl Rove mentioned Valerie Plame's name. I think that he mentioned Wilson's wife." And I suppose Bill Clinton's definition of Is, is no longer a problem. Hey Rush you dink. Rove sold out a CIA agent for politcal gain. At a time, when his boss was under fire for sending KIDS to die for a lie. If that ain't treason, pal I don't know WHAT is.
Look, this isn't about lying about getting your knob slobbed. This is about diming out an undercover CIA agent. Don't play semantics with me. This administration has continued to lie to the American Public. Continued to wage Propaganda war with their schills like Limbaugh, Hannity and Coulter. And here a CIA agent is COMPROMISED during a TIME OF WAR! Mr. President, if you really are a straight Texas shooter, you need to fire Rove. I know he's your boy and all. But he has to go.
- Karl Rove: A$$hole of the week nominee
- Should Rove be fired?
- Ted Rall on Rove
- Man, it must feel good to be Rall as the table have turned for him. It's nice to be on the RIGHT er Left er Correct side.
- Bloggerman on Rove
- Olbermann calls Rove a Homeland Security Risk
- No Broadband in the Air...
- The terrorists will use it for evil.
- Augustine...
- So all my problems with the Catholic Church can be blamed on Augustine? Huh. How about that.
- Commerce justice
- This really seems like a good idea. NOT.
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
I had a couple of good quotes today. First after describing how quickly people were giving up waiting for the lines to move at Live 8 and tried to barrel through:
[11:21] HammRadio: lol Yeah... I'm constantly amazed by the human spirit's willingness to give up.
Then a heart beat, why the spirit is so easily challenged? Little Jimmy has to go to the bathroom and can't come out and play right now:
[11:21] HammRadio: I figure Soccer Mom's have destroyed 100000 years of evolution.
- Water Cooler
- The Big Wiesy. I'm sorry, I'd rather her learn how to win on the women's tour. Why become a second rate player on the Men's tour? I don't know, that's just me.
- Trotsky Ice Pick
- Man, the world is full of weird crap like this. I mean would you pay more for this? Or a Luke Skywalker Light Saber?
- Worst Movie Tie In Ever
- Really, is this the worst? This is VERY funny.
- Conlin | Beware, Trade deadline approaches
- Shallow Center broached this subject yesterday.
- Great Article on Entourage
- I've always been a fan of Jeremy Piven. Come on, Singles and the Wheels of Steel. PCU. Ellen Degeneres show. Um. Okay not everything.
- GTA Sex Scandal.
- So you're telling me that Nerds with some free time on their hands have spent it with porn? You're kidding me right. This is a joke?
- That Guy Sighting: Jeff Perry
- Last week, I was walking on 13th St in the city, and having dinner outside at Lolita was one of those THAT GUYS. You might remember him as the DA in Wild Things who turned off Bacon's video of Neve Campbell and Denise Richards getting it on in the pool. Jerk.
- Jayson Stark | Midseason Awards
- Gotta read me some Jayson Stark. The Sports Guy the other day mentioned how he couldn't miss a Peter Gammons article. I grew up reading Stark every Sunday. Miss it.
- Slurpee turns 40
- Long Before a Wawa opened up a block further down Castor AV, 7-11 took over an old Pizza Place. I missed the Pizza Place. But 7-11 became a second home to me. And certainly the SLURPEE was a part of it.