HammRadio Today: 07/06/2005
Last Modified
7/7/2005 1:29 AM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
The Mike Schmidt mullet lives and breathes in Pittsburgh. And according to HammRadio sources, Bob Woodward killed a former FBI Director to sell more books.

HammRadio is YOUR home for Genetic Research
We've decided here at HammRadio.com to start researching the Genome. We want to know how a guy in a American Flag muscle shirt with a Mike Schmidt mullet and 'stache would spit at his wife/girlfriend over an empty water bottle. Most bizarre thing I've ever seen in Pittsburgh. And I've been there like 4 times.
- KHAAAN!!!!
- Unfortunately, this guy has been hit with too many bandwith charges. So I decided to link to someone else.
- Deep Throat's Boss Died.
- Read this story. I'm pretty sure the stress of Deep Throat's revelation killed this poor man.
- File This Under Worst idea ever!!!
- who's funding this? Geico?
- Um... Okay, I went to Live 8, but what were we supposed to do next?
- Still waiting for Bob to return my phone call.
- Reporter Jailed for not revealing source
- Please Special Prosecutors note, when I say "According to HammRadio sources" very often that means I'm just making stuff up.
- Latest Sports Guy
- How bout this... It's not a story on the NBA!!!