HammRadio Today: 07/03/2005
Last Modified
7/3/2005 2:38 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Wishing you a happy and safe holiday!!!! Celebrate with Family and Friends. If you have no friends... take the time and make new ones!

Have a Good Fourth
Just a quick note to have a good weekend. We will be back after the holiday with more Podcasts... Live8 reviews and thoughts... Notes on Pittsburgh... and much much more!!!
- Check out rebroadcasts on the AOL.com
- MTV didn't do a good job broadcasting this event. Although, my future wife Rachel Perry was there.
- Who won A$$-Hole of the week?
- Kenny Rogers? Tom Cruise again? Bush? Who?
- Fixing ChkDsk error in iPod
- Sometimes you need to run ChkDsk on your iPod? Does that make sense? I just started getting this errror. But I'm on my way out to Pittsburgh so I don't want to fix it right now.
Tom Cruise ||
iPod ||
Live 8 ||
MTV ||
VH1 ||
Rachel Perry ||
Fourth of July ||
Bush ||
Asshole of the week ||
HammRadio.com ||
Mike Cunningham ||
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