HammRadio Today: 07/07/2005

HammRadio Today: 07/07/2005

HammLinks: Around The Web Toady

In light of the bombing in London our links will be brief and not quite smarmy. Don't forget to listen today's The Proof of Concept podcast.

  • Creationists... in power
    We're doomed. We have to wrest the power from these folks.
  • O.J. in a Domestic Dispute
    Don't worry folks, it wasn't the Juice laying the smack down. It was HIS GIRLFRIEND. How weird is it that OJ has to call the cops just to protect HIMSELF!
  • A$$-hole of the week nominee: Rick Santorum's book
    How this guy continues to get votes in our state, I have NO idea. But as the saying goes you have to travel through Alabama to get to Pittsburgh from Philly.
  • Music on your cellphone?
    Seriously, is this the wave the of the future. I just want my phone to be a phone and maybe get the web and text message and take pictures of women skirts.
  • What A difference a day makes...
    This is the lead story on ABC News on Wed night. I think this is the kind of thing that will be lost today.President Bush today took a nasty spill on his mountain bike during time away from meeting with world leaders at the Group of Eight economic summit. The president collided with a local police officer accompanying him on his ride and sustained "mild to moderate" scrapes. Terry Moran updates the president's condition as well the headlines from today's summit talks.
  • Pow of the Day:
    A couple of great POWs of the day: Tracy Bonham "Mother Mother"
    Orbit "Medicine"


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HammRadio Today -- Articles

HammRadio Today: 07/07/2005

Last Modified
7/11/2005 1:19 AM
Story Summary
In light of the bombing in London our links will be brief and not quite smarmy.
HammRadio Today: 07/07/2005

HammLinks: Around The Web Toady

In light of the bombing in London our links will be brief and not quite smarmy. Don't forget to listen today's The Proof of Concept podcast.

  • Creationists... in power
    We're doomed. We have to wrest the power from these folks.
  • O.J. in a Domestic Dispute
    Don't worry folks, it wasn't the Juice laying the smack down. It was HIS GIRLFRIEND. How weird is it that OJ has to call the cops just to protect HIMSELF!
  • A$$-hole of the week nominee: Rick Santorum's book
    How this guy continues to get votes in our state, I have NO idea. But as the saying goes you have to travel through Alabama to get to Pittsburgh from Philly.
  • Music on your cellphone?
    Seriously, is this the wave the of the future. I just want my phone to be a phone and maybe get the web and text message and take pictures of women skirts.
  • What A difference a day makes...
    This is the lead story on ABC News on Wed night. I think this is the kind of thing that will be lost today.President Bush today took a nasty spill on his mountain bike during time away from meeting with world leaders at the Group of Eight economic summit. The president collided with a local police officer accompanying him on his ride and sustained "mild to moderate" scrapes. Terry Moran updates the president's condition as well the headlines from today's summit talks.
  • Pow of the Day:
    A couple of great POWs of the day: Tracy Bonham "Mother Mother"
    Orbit "Medicine"


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