HammRadio Today: 07/07/2005
Last Modified
7/11/2005 1:19 AM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
In light of the bombing in London our links will be brief and not quite smarmy.

HammLinks: Around The Web Toady
In light of the bombing in London our links will be brief and not quite smarmy. Don't forget to listen today's The Proof of Concept podcast.
- Creationists... in power
- We're doomed. We have to wrest the power from these folks.
- O.J. in a Domestic Dispute
- Don't worry folks, it wasn't the Juice laying the smack down. It was HIS GIRLFRIEND. How weird is it that OJ has to call the cops just to protect HIMSELF!
- A$$-hole of the week nominee: Rick Santorum's book
- How this guy continues to get votes in our state, I have NO idea. But as the saying goes you have to travel through Alabama to get to Pittsburgh from Philly.
- Music on your cellphone?
- Seriously, is this the wave the of the future. I just want my phone to be a phone and maybe get the web and text message and take pictures of women skirts.
- What A difference a day makes...
- This is the lead story on ABC News on Wed night. I think this is the kind of thing that will be lost today.President Bush today took a nasty spill on his mountain bike during time away from meeting with world leaders at the Group of Eight economic summit. The president collided with a local police officer accompanying him on his ride and sustained "mild to moderate" scrapes. Terry Moran updates the president's condition as well the headlines from today's summit talks.
- Pow of the Day:
- A couple of great POWs of the day: Tracy Bonham "Mother Mother"
Orbit "Medicine"
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