HammRadio Today: 07/08/2005
Last Modified
7/11/2005 1:54 AM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Worst Fantasy Baseball Trade Ever, Pows of the Day, Sports Guy, and MUCH MUCH more.

What was that?
Had a great lunch today at this RAW FOODS shop. But there was something missing. No, it wasn't because Taco Bell was packed. MOBBED. Everyone decided that Friday was Taco Bell day. But my Herb Roasted Turkey wrap needed something. Nuts. I said to my friend Karen: "I always like a little nuts on my sandwich"
In the aftermath of 9/11 Clear Channel put out a list of banned songs. Now, I'm very much anti-censorship. But I understand when sometimes, some songs are inappropriate. For example, I attended a funeral for a baby cousin. There was a blizzard raging. And my father, who's brother had died that same week, and we were missing that funeral, was driving us home through the snow storm as R.E.M.'s "It's the End of the World As We Know It" played. For whatever reason that song set my Dad off. Understandable. Today, I'm listening to Woxy vintage and well The Smiths "There is a light that Never Goes Out" is playing, which of course has that line: "And if a Double Decker bus Crashes Into Us", well I suppose after the London bombings, it just didn't feel right. Of course I still made it a POW of the day. So what do I know?
- Timers Set of Bombs; Similar to Madrid
- Well, I'm glad the war on terrorism is working. Because these guys only got 4 bombs off. Seriously, terrorism is not going to end through invading other countries or bombing training camps. These guys are in it for the LONG haul. 1000 years if need be. There goal is to create a Muslim Empire while shutting down the Freedom Empire. How do you stop that?
- MTV announces WE SCREWED UP
- MTV showed their increasing irrelevance last week, with their HORRID coverage of Live 8. They had 2 channels devoted to Live 8 and showed exactly the same stuff on both channels. Horrible.
- Can Wie make the Cut?
- And are they making her wear slacks? Come on, fellows, we need to see those legs. Oh wait a minute, she's only 15. Strike that. Put a burka on her.
- Sports Guy | Mid season baseball awards.
- Of course he only follows the American League, so what does he know.
- Sports Guy Links of the day
- I still think that Theresa Macdonald should have won but that's just me.
- Link of the Day: Retrocrush.com
- Wanna know what Nellie from Little House is doing these days? No? Oh. Okay.
- Maddox goes after blogs
- New Maddox. As my buddy Kyle of Lakeside-park.com says: It's tough when it hits close to home, doesn't it. Yes, Kyle it does.
- David Lee Roth to take over for Stern
- Gary Cherones to sell cars in Fresno.
- Parents Get Stripper for son.
- They defend that they are good parents by saying that Grandpa was there.
- 450 Sheep commit suicide
- We're still looking into evidence that they were taking any anti-depressants before leaping.
- G8 Coverage
- So maybe this whole concert thing worked out?
- Pow of the Day: All from Woxy Vintage
- "Escalator of Life" Robert Hazard
"Lips Like Sugar" Echo And the Bunnymen
"No Myth" Michael Penn
"There is a Light That Never Goes out" The Smiths- WORST Fantasy Baseball Trade offer EVER:
- I was offered in my Yahoo fantasy baseball league the following trade: H. Blalock, L. Walker, R. Klesko, D. Kolb in exchange for A. Jones, M. Ensberg. I may not be the best Fantasy Baseball player and for most of the season I was buried near the bottom of the league. But even I know that deal is SHIT.