HammRadio Today: 02/15/2005
Last Modified
2/16/2005 2:25 AM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
My War with the Sports Guy is over. And he has some good ramblings today. Why the hell are they making the Honeymooners with Cedric the Entertainer?

HammLinks: Around the Web Today
So many projects, so little time. Now that Football season has ended and baseball season hasn't heated up yet, HammRadio.com will be tackling many more subjects. We will be going over some of our struggles with trying to get 50 GB of music down to 18.5 for our brand new iPod. If you have any tips. E-mail us here at hammradio.com.
Now on to today's links. Last night after I wrapped up "To Be The Man" the Ric Flair biography (review to come), I tried to get to sleep, but couldn't as the sounds of sirens filled South Philly. And they wouldn't stop. Just wouldn't stop. Had no idea what it was until I heard the news. For 7 hours I-95 was shut down. Just about how much much sleep I lost last night.
On Sunday, my Dad couldn't wait to see the Canseco interview. Not because of what allegations he would reveal. But, to see if he explained why Canseco was wearing lipstick. Olbermann goes into more detail about the book, naming names, along the way... The third season of MI-5 is on, while 24 has heated up. I haven't watched this week's episode yet. DON'T TELL ME A THING! Thank God for Tivo!! Hope it hasn't been deleted yet so another episode of Law & Order can be saved.
So after the Bush Administration last week made overtures to increase the Death Benefits for soldiers killed in action. They don't seem to care so much about Soldiers who were tortured in Abu Gharib. And NO, I don't mean the ones Lyndiee England and company harmed... I'm talking Americans... during the FIRST GULF WAR! Way to make your Poppa proud, Bush.
Okay, somebody is about to commit a crime. You are news reporter. What is your duty? Do you put down the camera? Do you help them out and commit the crime? Do you call the police and have them arrested? What is your responsibility? The other day I saw a Fox News clip of Mexicans climbing over the border. Shouldn't the cameraman be calling immigration? Well, these news reporters are going to have answer these questions and more. Reveal their sources... or PROTECT criminals? What's it going to be??? It's a tough question. Yeah, I know I usually have all the answers. I just don't know what to do here. The First Amendment and journalistic protections are very important. But you can't let criminals walk? Right? I don't know.
- Sports Guy Ramblings... The War is Over... For Now.
- Sirens... More Sirens... and EVEN More Sirens. It felt like the sirens would NEVER stop! Good thing I was already awake!
- Travesty of all travesty. -- I'm all for remakes, especially if it has Jessica Simpson in short shorts, but this is a travesty. The Honeymooners wasn't some campy cult TV show. This is an all-time classic. You don't remake the Godfather... You don't Remake Seinfeld... You don't remake The Honeymooners.
- MI-5: Third Season begins... How Real is it?
- TMQ Bad Predictions
- Telling your Sources... Or Get Arrested.
- It's not like it's the Dead Sea Scroll right?
- Once Again Bush and Company Tries to Screw the U.S. Soldier
- Olbermann on Canseco -- It's not just about the
- RSS Just Added: Gullible.Info