HammRadio Today: 12/16/2004
Last Modified
12/17/2004 5:15 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
HammRadio Declares War on The Evening Bulletin; Sports Guy; Waiting for 24? Here's Philly CTU

HammRadio Declares War on The Evening Bulletin
Conservatives are petulant little children. And for the most part they are good people with a warped sense of reality. The believe any tax is unconstitutional, that the poor literally take money out of their pockets for drugs and sneakers, and that they need guns because the poor want to steal their own drugs and sneakers. It's a vicious cycle. And it's hard to believe people can believe in that?
But what Conservatives hate more than anything, is the media. They call them the "Liberal Elite". "The New York Media." "Leftist Rags." "Communist Propaganda." And that's just the New York Times. And if you didn't know it, the Philadelphia Inquirer is also a liberal shill as well. So local cons who get their news from the Big Talker 1210AM or worse 990AM, have cried out that they can no longer purchase the New York Post. They must have a Fair and Balanced news paper. One that writes the news the way Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity spin it.
Thomas Rice (publisher) and Kevin Williamson (editior-in-chief) to the Rescue. Williamson says:
"The Bulletin is independently owned, nonpartisan, and maintains a rigorous separation between news and opinion," he said. "The Bulletin believes that by telling the truth, free from partisan bias and hidden agendas, we will make our community a better place to live."
See Conservatives have no idea what is the difference between Columnists, Analysis, News, and Editorials. They believe that if the Editorial page Endorses John Kerry for president than they will slant their news coverage in favor of that candidate. They actually believe that. The Conservatives believe their side of the story isn't told in the newspaper. They believe Government is bad. Unless, they are in charge, than it's good. They are hypocrits. They are un-American. And they are bad for the future.
Here at HammRadio.com we will take on one arm of the Right Wing, the Evening Bulletin and show you how WRONG they are. As long as my girlfriend keeps getting harassed by the Bulletin "paper boy", I will have access to this rag. Her Christmas Stocking will be filled with a Roll of Quarters. Bulletin we are ready for you.
- The Evening Bulletin
- Philly.com -- A new look for the home of the Daily News and the Inquirer.
- Evening Bulletin Resurfaces in Philly
- HammBlog: A$$ Hole of the week
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
I'm seem to be fighting another cold today. I think I was weakend by shopping in Wal-Mart yesterday. Wal-Mart just seems so much like the outdoor markets of Calcutta during the holidays, doesn't it? Not fun. Not fun at all.
Good SportsGuy today. I'm not an NBA fan, but I'll read what he writes about it.
If Odom is smart, he should speed the process up and hit on Kobe's wife after a game. Somebody needs to send him a cowboy hat and some boots.
- Andy Reid's latest column on NFL.com While at BYU during his playing days, Reid wrote for the Provo Daily Herald. But not unlike his press conferences, not MUCH insight here. I can't wait until this guy opens up. Here's the rest of his articles.
- Philadelphia CTU -- Down the street from my girlfriend the bomb squad was called to take out a suspected Meth Lab! No Meth Lab was found, but Weapons of Mass Destruction were found! If only they had the Philadelphia CTU.
- Remember the Good Old Days When the Government would lie about successful tests just to scare our enemies? And doesn't "Anamoly" of unknown origin sound repetitive? We don't know what it was... But we can be sure it didn't come from anywhere we know about!