HammRadio Today: 08/06/2004
Last Modified
8/6/2004 9:04 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Greg Maddux goes for 300 this weekend. The Phillies who prevented Maddux from getting 300 last weekend, will be watching in LA. Oh yeah, Mike Lupica is an idiot.

Why Mike Lupica is an idiot
Regularly, we will tell you why so and so is an idiot... Usally this will end up being rants about Ann Coulter, Dom Giordano, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly or me. Read on.
I don't remember if it was Bob Ryan or Bill Rhoden this weekend who said that Greg Maddux was one of the best pitchers of all time, but Lupica and his New York Centric attitude attacked the comment. Well, Jason Stark presents MANY reasons, why Maddux, is the best pitcher in the last 20 years. Read it and weep, Lupica, you Jackhole.
Rick James Dead at 56
Down in Ocean City, MD this past weekend, I saw tons of t-shirts, with Rick James on the front. And it stands to reason that the Mike Cunningham Magnifying Glass Theory has come true once again. The T-Shirts were based off Dave Chappelle's Rick James character saying "I'm Rick James BITCH!" James's resurgence has been resonating in popular culture over the last year from the Chapelle show (supposedly was planning on making a movie about James). ON last season's Surreal Life, we saw Ron Jeremy hook up Rick James with Vanilla Ice. Ice who had been brooding and miserable about his second class stardom turning to third class loserdom, was energized by meeting his hero. Rick James... dead at 56.
HammLinks: Around the Web Today
The Economy is GOOD! No it's bad... IT's GOOD.. .No it's Bad... Um... The Terrorists are coming... Yeah... I got nothing for that. The Afghan Whigs have departed... but they are not forgotten for sure. But let me tell you got to check out their video for Turn on the Water from 1992. It has a Kevin Kerslake-Nirvana let's pour water on the band feel. Check out it here...