HammRadio Today: 05/27/2004
Last Modified
5/28/2004 9:56 AM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
The American Idol has been selected, the terror alert could go up, and Kerry is leading Bush in some KEY polls.

The Last American Idol?
Okay, so I have been suckered into caring about another American Idol. I didn't watch the finale, but I did watch the more important final showdown between Fantasia Barrino (Can we just drop her last name or will Disney come after her for copyright infringement) and Diana DaGarmo. Fantasia was the clear choice out of the final four. My personal favorite was Latoya London who pretty much tanked the competition in my opinion on purpose. I think she has decided that (and perhaps rightfully so) that being the Idol is a death wish and that the success of Idol "losers" might be the way to go: see Clay Aiken, Jennifer Locke, Tamyra Gray, and William Hung.
But there are major flaws in the competition. One, the audience, the contestants, the other judges, the reviewer (see below: An Idol Update needed?), geesh the whole nation do not understand that Simon Cowell is the only judge that has the right vision of who the American Idol should be. He is more than a one-line machine, he is the only one who gives CONSISTENTLY constructive criticism. In our world of political correctness and soccer mom mentality, these barbs are daggers to fragile psyches, when they should be championed as words of wisdom. I say drop Randy Jackson and get someone like Randy Jackson (Michael's brother), anyone but him. You can keep Paula only because she's nice to look at and is always good for a cry.
And finally, take a break for a year or MORE... You are going to exhaust yourselves trying to find talent. The producers will end up seeing the same talent over time and we will completely suck the talent dry. We need to refresh it some and wait a year. I would also stick some marginal talented celebrities (okay Howard Stern just said this morning) and see how they fare. Finally, I would also add... MORE HOT CHICKS!
Philly forces you to pay for parking
Before 9/11, you could pick up people at the airport by just waiting in your car at the terminal. Then after you had park in the short term garage, which is $5 per hour. So to avoid paying that kind of parking, Philadelphians have been parking on the ramps on the way to the airport. Whenever I pick people I up I just keep circling the airport (which I'm sure is probably illegal in Ashcroft's world). So the Philly police are just shilling for the Airport authority to increase their profit.
Meanwhile, John Ashcroft has issued some new terrorist warnings and has called on all Americans to help him out. I assume because the FBI is involved in other things. Anyway... a Muslim Iman was arrested in NE Philly the next day. Coincidence?
- Pull over and wait will get you a ticket.
- Parking at Philly airport
- Iman arrested in NE Philly
- Ashcroft promotes vigilantism!
Kerry leading Bush in some key polls
Good news for Kerry, as some key polls indicate Kerry leading in a majority of swing states. The bad news, is that the lead is at or less the percent error, which basically puts the two at a deadheat. It's going to be a rough 5 months until the election! One funny note, the Cuban Americans in Florida are dropping their support of Bush. I suppose all Bush needs to do is invade Cuba and bring back Elian Gonazalez.
HammLinks: Around the Web Today
If you don't have Digital Cable service with On Demand technology you are missing out. I have Tivo too, but On Demand allows me to save space, by giving me free Access to shows like the Sopranos and my new favorite show, Deadwood.. I love this darn thing. Ian Macshane as Al Swearengen has the rich fullness of any bad guy I've seen. The pure hate of Schillinger from "Oz" to the complexity of his humaness like Tony Soprano. In fact, when I first saw the show, I noted mistakenly, that he was "Curly Bill" from "Tombstone". That of course, is Powers Boothe, who low and behold shows up in Episode 3 to set up shop across the street from Swearengen. Powers Boothe is one of the all time greatest B actors with some great characters in his career: Judas Iscariot, Alexander Haig, and Reverand Jim Jones among others.
- Phillies 7 Mets 4 -- The Phils split with the Mets. The Mets look REAL dangerous. This could be a 3 way battle in the NL East. The Phils have the Braves for 4 starting tonight.
- Conlin: WHO is the Heavyweight Champion of the world?
- MULVA!!! --- Read about Burning Vulva Syndrome