HammRadio Today: 05/06/2004
Last Modified
5/6/2004 7:57 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Ann Coulter is a HOT REPUBLICAN Lunatic. She has great legs, but could be certifiably nuts. Also today, more Iraq, Nerds and celebrating Cinco De MayTallicO

Boy I am So Glad it's May-Tallica
I can't wait for:
- Limp JunezKit
- Jewel-LY...
- Puddle of August
- HoobaSeptember
- NickelBack-Tober
- Velvet Revember
- Incu-cember
We Are Better Than This
War is hell. There is no question about that. However, that doesn't mean, within all that chaos, there aren't rules. Rules of engagement. And Rules on Interrogation. Rules on Prisoners of War.
I understand the rage that we felt on 9/11. I understand the rage that we felt when we saw the contractors bodies dismembered and burned surrounded by jubilant Iraqis. But what I don't understand is the actions of these Soldiers. It is wrong in any society. But in ours it is even MORE so. We are better than that.
There are those who say, these people would kill us if they had the chance. That could be true. But that doesn't mean we stoop to their level. These images will resonant in their world. Even if the logic doesn't make sense. We can't allow ourselves to bottom dwell.
There is a very real problem that exists when you set up a situation where you no longer have a clear mission. A year ago Bush stood on an Aircraft carrier, claiming "Mission Accomplished". What Mission? Re-election? Furthering his Right Wing agenda? Finally making Daddy proud?
As a nation, we are better than this. In Vietnam, similar atrocities would come out and bleed into the Anti-War rhetoric. Vets would return home to screams of "baby killers". Not all of our soldiers are committing such atrocities. But we have to nip it in the bud NOW.
Upcoming Concerts
Saturday, May 8 at 9:00 PM
The Push Stars with Chauncey / One Star Hotel
North Star Bar
29th And Poplar, Philadelphia, Fairmount/Art Museum Area
I really love this band. I'm going to try and make it out there this weekend. The Push Stars have been featured in Soundtracks of Farrelly Brothers movies. Their song "Cadillac" is one of my favorite songs of all time.They are touring to promote their new album "Paint The Town" which I haven't heard just yet.
U.S.$10.00-U.S.$12.00Another interesting Concert this weekend, features the FRONTMAN from one of my favorite bands, Hey Mercedes. Bob Nanna (who also fronted indie band Braid) is at the First Unitarian Church on Mother's day. Braid will be playing the Troc on June 8.
At The First Unitarian Church
2125 Chestnut Street (22nd and Chestnut)
Philadelphia, PA
$7 Advance / $8 Day Of Show / All Ages
Order Advance Tickets For This Show HERE
Tickets Also On Sale At Spaceboy Music (409 South Street)
Or Charge By Phone - 800-594-TIXX
- The Push Stars
Buy The New Album: "Paint the Town" from the Push Stars
- Hey Mercedes Tour
- Braid Reunion Tour 2004
Why Ann Coulter is a Lunatic?
Sometimes you have to read the rantings of this lunatic to get a full grasp of the battles that we are raging in our world. We are not completely split 50/50 of lunatics to normal people. Or wait does it? 25 per cent of our country are RIGHT WING/Christian Fascists. 25 % of the count are Left Wing/Wiccan/Communists. 25 % are Moderate Democrats. 25 % are Moderate Republicans. I don't know if those percentages are right. But I'm sure it's pretty close to that. These are the rantings of the Republicans, who want to abridge your civil rights, because they think that would have prevented 9/11.
What COULTER and the rest of the Republican NEO-Fascists don't understand, is that you can't strip naked and put electrodes on the genitalia of every Middle Eastern Muslim who gets on board an airplane. That's saved for Military Interrorgations in Iraq. You can't discriminate your security policies based on whether you are Muslim or Christian. Whether you black, yellow or purple. If Grammaw has a problem with getting pulled out of line, so be it. How do we know that Grammaw hasn't been reading Tolstoy?
What these Right Wings nuts want you to forget about is that we are just as susceptible to dangers from ANGRY WHITE GUYS like Timothy McVeigh as much as Mohamad Atta. Or was McVeigh railroaded? Or was he just a pawn in Al Qaeda's greater plan. The failures of 9/11 had as much to do with lack of communication between the FBI and CIA as it did screening out plastic box cutters. Zacharias Moussaoui didn't look like Mohammad Atta, so he would have gotten aboard the airplanes that day. Or should we stop black Muslims too. I guess Muhammad Ali is screwed. Thank you Ann Coulter, for once again proving that you are a LUNATIC. Although, I'd still bang you.
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
Some fun stuff today around the web. One in particular I'm still trying to get my arms around this:
> Another official, the center's manager, asked the controllers to make
the tape because "he wanted a contemporaneous recordation of
controller accounts to be immediately available for law enforcement,"
according to the Mead report, and was concerned that the controllers
would take a leave of absence
immediately, which is standard procedure after a crash.
I had NO idea Don King was working for the FAA. I find this "contemporaneous recordation" --- YOUR FLY IS OPEN.
- F.A.A. Official Scrapped Tape of 9/11 Controllers' Statements
- Star Trek Apartment: Just when you thought Nerds couldn't top themselves after the Tron Costume
- ToyArchive.com -- Nerd heaven.
- Latest Poll: Kerry-Bush: A Dead Heat
- Does IT Matter? Information Technology and the Corrosion of Competitive Advantage : Adding this book to my Reading List
- HIV Needles at the Gas Pump??? If you have been getting this in your e-mail box, read more about this hoax.