HammRadio Today: 04/23/2004
Last Modified
4/23/2004 7:11 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
HammRadio celebrates a real hero; while Princeton contemplates 24 hours of drinking; NFL Draft is tomorrow!; Download Phillies Schedule

#40 Pat Tillman dies in Afghanistan
I recall on 9/11 one of my buddies who served in Desert Storm, was so shaken by the events, proposed re-enlisting. It was a natural reaction to the anger at the horror of that day. Here is a story of one man, who decided to walk away from his football career and huge dollars from the Cardinals to serve in the U.S. Special Forces. We use hero and role model a lot when it comes to sports, but rarely does it every ring true. Pat Tillman is a special case.
On October 7, 2001, the Philadelphia Eagles hosted the Arizona Cardinals. Just before the game, Bush's face was plastered on the Phanavision, with night vision pictures of bombs blasting Afghanistan. The rage that filled our hearts for weeks were unleashed on 65,000 strong at the Vet that day. My friends and I cheered and cried at the same time. Chants of "USA, USA" filled the stadium. It was an amazing melange of patriotism, testosterone and beer. How perfect a setting the Vet. How perfect a time the start of a football game. It is ironic that Pat Tillman took the field for the Arizona Cardinals that day. I can only imagine what he thought when he heard the President's words. Perhaps he made up his mind at that moment. For me, I suspended drinking for about 2 months, while nursing a hangover from the night before, and nearly being vomitted on twice. But Tillman was contemplating a more important decision. A decision that ultimately, sacrificed his life.
Pat Tillman is an American Hero. HammRadio.com, salutes you.
- NFL Player dies in Afghanistan
- More on Tillman from ESPN.com
- Tillman Game Logs
- Patriotic Movie Quotes
Newman Day on Princeton's Campus
Tomorrow is Newman Day at Princeton... You drink 24 beers in 24 hours... 1 an hour... while still going to class... But it's kind of controversial... follow the controversy here...
- Newman proclaims an end to drinking day
- What about the history of it? -- May need Registration
HammLinks: Around the Web Today
The NFL Draft is tomorrow, it should be interesting to see who the Eagles will pick up tomorrow. Will they trade John Welbourn or not? What needs will they fill? Offensivle Line? Running Back? Wide Receiver? Cornerback? Linebacker? We shall see.
- History of Eagles Draft (PDF)
- Bush League
- Download Phillies Schedule to Outlook (or any mail application): This is pretty sweet. Now my Pocket PC has the schedule for every game! Who needs the Magnet schedule!