HammRadio Today: 05/07/2004
Last Modified
5/11/2004 4:27 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Why I hate hidden tracks on CDs. Also, a conversation about Lynndie England. And Atkins Dieters killing Krispy Kreme''s???

For The Record I hate Hidden Tracks
I hate hidden tracks. When I was younger I was fascinated by songs with hidden tracks. It was like you were getting something for free. My first introduction to the hidden tracks was during the conversion from Vinyl to CD. The vinyl versions of The Hooters' Nervous Night and John Cougar Mellencamp's Scarecrow didn't have songs that the CD or tape would have.
Then CDs arrived, and you could put hidden tracks all over the place. Give the track a number like 37, when the album ended at 12. OR just make it Track 13, but don't list in on the album. Or my personal favorite (not), take Track 12 make the 4 minute song 12 minutes long, but i have 6 minutes of silence in the middle. Horrible. Just because you can DO something, doesn't mean you should. Like camera cell phones. The pictures are of LITTLE quality, and they serve little purpose. "Hey do you want to see a picture of my kid?" "Oh, I'm sorry is that a kid or a pile of Macaroni."
Today, while listening to some MP3s (I have recently downloaded MY entire CD collection onto an external hard drive). Listening to one of my current Favorite Bands (Hey Mercedes -- Lead Singer Bob Nanna is in Philly on Sunday) I was jarred by some silence but no movement to the next track when the Weekend EP finished. Showing up was a neat little cover of When in Rome's "Promise". So for that moment... my faith in music was restored. I still hate the hidden track. But that did ease the pain some.
Working at the IGA led to this
More on the Iraqi Abuse. my buddy RushFan2112 and I had about the abuse:
RushFan2112 Says: I CAN'T WAIT for the Oprah special on how the dudes with that chick MADE her do that sh*t RushFan2112 Says: I CAN NOT WAIT!!! HammRadio says: Exactly... HammRadio says: you can read up about her: RushFan2112 Says: Pfc. Lynndie R. England shown in a December 2003 family photograph -- not pictured, the family trailer HammRadio says: LOL HammRadio says: awesome. HammRadio says: BTW... this girl...NOT hot... RushFan2112 Says: You know what... HammRadio says: Were this Jessica Lynch... man... that would be awesome... RushFan2112 Says: in those pictures, she sort of is! HammRadio says: LOL! RushFan2112 Says: In a FILTHY DIRTY sort of way HammRadio says: I hear you. HammRadio says: Kind of like the back room at Show and Tell. HammRadio says: UH.... RushFan2112 Says: "You talk about the unusual," Mrs. England said. "That child liked it." RushFan2112 Says: Ummm... RushFan2112 Says: You're supposed to be DISPUTING the claims sir HammRadio says: HOW long before Hustler calls Lyndiee up for a photo shoot, and has (buff) "Iraqi's" masturbating next to her. RushFan2112 Says: Can you travel back in time Mike? RushFan2112 Says: In high school, her parents said, she was a good student, though she was not in the honor society, as her friend Destiny was RushFan2112 Says: See...why aren't there pictures of her stripper friend? HammRadio says: LOL LOL RushFan2112 Says: That girl's career was set at birth! RushFan2112 Says: After high school, she worked at a chicken-processing plant and at the nearby IGA supermarket. Then, in March 2002, on what seemed almost like a whim to some of her friends, she married an old friend who worked with her at the supermarket, James L. Fike. The couple were divorced, though they remain on friendly terms, Mrs. England said in interviews this week RushFan2112 Says: Oh yeah RushFan2112 Says: This chick is the model of stability HammRadio says: (These pics are disturbing) HammRadio says: Man... IGA... HammRadio says: That is a CLEAR sign of MAJOR PROBLEMS... HammRadio says: We had an IGA for about 5 minutes in NE Philly... HammRadio says: Right then... my neighborhood Jumped the Shark RushFan2112 Says: LOL RushFan2112 Says: OH RushFan2112 Says: Right! RushFan2112 Says: Lawyers for the soldiers argue they are being made scapegoats for a rogue military prison system in which mercenaries give orders without legal accountability RushFan2112 Says: Shocking...I understand that's spin control...but what the F?!?
Goodbye Old Friends
One of the questions raised regarding the end of Friends and next week Frasier, "Is this the end of Sitcoms?". The Reality show onslaught, doesn't seem to be ending at all. Why should it? It has very little to do with the popularity. Nielsen ratings prove there are only a FEW Ratings winners (Survivor, Idol). But it has everything to do with the cost of producing such shows. Friends would cost producers up to 6 million dollars PER show just for the cast (not too mention 400 writers). With little money to cast members, producers can spend money on prizes and extravagant locales. That's why the Sitcom will slowly perish.
Overall, as a finale, it was pretty good. It wrapped up the loose ends. It DID NOT set up Joey's spinoff (ala Three's Company). It left with the six of them plus 2 of the 4 kids, heading off into the sunset (coffee shop). Since the show had jumped the shark years ago, it couldn't really go that far down. But it did make me beg to question: Why the hell are they friend's with Phoebe? Why do I get the feeling she will just end up hanging around the old apartment with whoever moves in.
- The Friend's Finale
- Sports Guy on Friends and The O.C. -- This guy is amazing. I can only aspire to write this well.
HammLinks: Around the Web Today
Man... 6 Krispy Kreme's are going to close. I HOPE none near me... WE JUST GOT OURS!!!... Tom Druce finally goes to jail for running over a homeless guy. 3.5 years sitting around waiting to head to prison. He is our A-Hole of the week.
- Good news for Bush -- The Economy is picking up -- Another 288,000 Jobs added in April
- Read NYTimes Editorial regarding Fahrenheit 9/11
- Krispy Kreme falling pray to Atkin's Fad -- This proves that this fad is HORRIBLE. Cheesesteaks without the ROLL. And no Krispy Kreme's!!! Awful.
- A-Hole of the week: Druce Finally Goes to Jail