HammRadio Today: 05/20/2004
Last Modified
5/21/2004 2:01 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Perusing the web today, you can find some interesting stories. The FDA banning Gay Sperm? The White House shilling Propaganda? Spending 28 Grand at a strip club?

HammLinks: Around the Web Today
A couple of interesting place to hit the web today... "Killing Innocents" is an interview with a soldier who has just returned from the gulf speaking out on the war over there. Also, the Cirque Du Soleil is coming back to Philly... Are you the Terror Database? ... What lessons have been learned from 9/11... Trying to live the HammRadio lifestyle is costly...
- Killing Innocents
- Cirque Du Soleil is coming back to Philly
- Terror Database?
- Lessons Learned from 9/11
- Living the HammRadio Lifestyle -- A New York insurance executive is suing a Manhattan strip club after a champagne-fuelled night of lap-dancing left him nursing a 28,000-dollar bill.
- F.D.A. to Limit Sperm Donors -- If you have had Homosexual sex in the last 5 years you can't donate.
- White House's Medicare Videos Are Ruled Illegal -- The General Accounting Office called the video segments "covert propaganda."
- Import Text Files into Access -- Using ADO, RDO, Access Automation and MORE!!!