HammRadio Today: 08/03/2004
Last Modified
8/4/2004 1:16 AM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Tiger Woods is back! So are terror alerts. It''s hard to believe that just last week the Democrats were having a party, and now we have terror alerts.

Terror Alert based on old information
Welcome to the politics of Terror. On David Cross' latest album, he mentions that if you take a look at every time a terror alert is announced, if you look at the newspaper from the day before or so, you see something negative about the Bush campaign. That can't be true can it? When the Dems announced John Edwards as VP candidate and Enron former CEO Kenneth Lay was heading to plead Not Guilty, Tom Ridge was out there talking about Terror Alerts. They didn't raise the alerts, but they just wanted to scare everyone I guess.
The information that came in was NEW to the U.S. security officials. And did deserve strong attention. But much of the information that they found was as old as 4 years old. Ridge et al, should have been forthright about such data. This organization can't be the Boy who cried wolf. Our lives are at stake. I don't really believe that the terror alert was politically motivated. But if the next one comes after Kerry saves a Kitten from a burning House, I will sure be suspicious.
- Threat Generated by Pre-9/11 information?
- NYTimes: The Politics of Terror Alerts
- Washington Post: Arrest in Pakistan generated pre-9/11 info which raised Alert Level
- George Orwell's 1984 On-line
- Cheney blames Kerry and Edwards for High Gas Prices
HammLinks: Around the Web Today
Well it wasn't a major, but a win is a win is a win. Coming on the heels of an excellent Buick Open (4 rounds under 70 but still coming in 3rd.), Tiger and his partner long driver Hank Kuehne came back from behind... YES CAME BACK FROM Behind to beat Master's champ Phil Mickleson, and the resurgent John Daly, who finished 2nd on Sunday at the Buick Open... Peterson Trial: Okay, let me get this straight, adding the Playboy channel after your wife died is relavant to a murder case. "Yeah but he also added 2 other hard core channels as well!" Come on folks... He lost his wife! He should get access to porn don't you think! But seriously, this guy is a creep, but this is just nuts.
- Battle at the Bridges: Woods-Kuehne come back to beat Mickleson and Daly
- Peterson Ordered Hardcore PORN channel after Laci disappeared!!!
- Alex's Lemonade Stands: a sad story
- Weekend Water Cooler: The Art of the Trade
- Kerry's 4 point bounce... is that enough?
- Phila. Police Warn of Dangers of Mini-Scooters