HammRadio Today: 10/06/2004
Last Modified
10/6/2004 7:28 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
THe NFL has hi-jacked your television. And you need 2 receivers, plus a subscription for each to listen to Howard Stern. Thank god for Tivo.

Howard, Are You Sirius?
Howard Stern the number one Morning Drive personality in a America has decided to leave terrestial radio for the satellites. Choosing to find the more relaxed standards on subscription radio, howard has officially JUMPED THE SHARK. Choosing one satellite provider over the other truly hampers the extent of Howard's reach. And as far as I'm concerned exclusivity regarding satellite programming only hurts the consumer.
Not unlike here in Philadelphia, where you can't watch Flyers, Sixers, or Phillies programming shown on ComcastSportsNet if you have Dish Network or DirectTV. Conversely, the NFL's Sunday Ticket is not currently available on cable, however, they have recently struck a deal with Comcast where games are available On Demand for a Fee. But this is only AFTER the games are over. That doesn't help at all does it???
Why limit your reach? The NFL will NOT allow your local affiliate show an Arizona Cardinals game to PEOPLE in Phoenix, if the game is NOT sold out. I repeat, the NFL will NOT allow the VERY fans they want to attract to watch the game on television because the game is not sold out. Does that logic make any sense? Why is it better for someone in Omaha to be able to see the Arizona game, but the very citizenry you are promoting the game to, are not allowed to see the game. During the mid 90s here in Philadelphia, many games were blacked out locally. Yes, despite many people's recollections, games as late as 1999 were blacked out in Philadelphia. Often, Philadelphian's held hostage had to be rescued by the local affiliate and sponsors who would buy up remaining games. Typically, every week at least 1 NFL city cannot see their home team. A disgrace. 10 Percent of of all NFL games are blacked out locally. 10 percent.
- Why the blackout, here are the NFL Rules?
- To make sure the team benefits from a stadium full of enthusiastic fans.
- Yes the team cares that there are 66,000 fans as opposed to 64,000.
- To protect home game attendance of the teams.
- PROTECT? When local affiliates pick up the tickets and give away the tickets how does that help the team?
- To assure the entertainment value of a full stadium -- for people in the stands and for people watching TV.
- Ahh, good old reverse psychology there. Well, there is no one watching this game. So why should I watch the game? Well, guess what, if the Eagles are playing IN Arizona and no one goes, Philly fans still get to see the game? They don't enjoy the game any less.
- To protect local television coverage.
- I have no idea how this protects local coverage? How? Here the NFL would rather you NOT watch the TV. Which means LESS viewers for the local station. I'm thinking of flying in Arizona fans just so they can travel 3000 miles to WATCH the game that they know will be blacked out. Many Eagles fans would travel to southern Delaware or up to New York, to watch games NOT blacked out.
One positive thing for Stern fans, is that you need only spend 12.95 for Stern's regular show. (Stern will have access to 3 channels, one a premium channel). But his regular daily show will be included in the standard subscription price. O & A fans must pay additional $1.99 to listen to that crew. But if you want to listen to both??? You need 2 subscriptions, plus 2 different recievers. You can't listen to them at home and your car. You must have a subscription for every receiver! And you can't take the receiver on your jogging trips. Howard try and re-think adding XM. Reach further than ever before!
- FMQB: Howard Makes the move to satellite
- Howard Stern To Sirius
- Sirius.com
- XM Satellite Radio
- Here the NFL touts their Blackout record! 89 per cent of games sold out prior to the 72 hour black out rule. WHY 72 hours?
HammLinks: Around the Web Today
Blogging the debate... You say you are John Edwards. I never Met John Edwards... You sir are NO JOHN EDWARDS. Of course, that Cheney never met Edwards. The Cheney at the debates is a ROBOT!
- I can't say I ever met you before.
- Lies... Lies... More Lies..
- FactCheck.com... I mean .org... I mean .net I mean .xxx
- Get the Facts straight... FactCheck.org
- $100 Cheesesteak. As the official Cheesesteak Guru. This is right up my alley.
- Sports Guy Playoff Diary