HammRadio Today: 08/16/2004
Last Modified
8/16/2004 6:48 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
New Jersey Governor McGreevey''s shocking revelation has changed slang forever! Also, what kind of a hammock can you buy with $250?

Keeping it on the Low Down... Down Low... No Doubt...
Well, my head must be in the sand, because I missed this new urban expression. It seems keeping it on the down low, no longer just means keeping a secret. As Chef likes to say, black people always change the meaning of slang, just when white people begin to use it. Expect the term, McGreevy to be now used for the DOWN LOW.
"This has been happening for years," Buxton pointed out. "The 'down low' has just brought it to people's attention." The "down low" is slang for African-American men who have sex with men but who don't consider themselves homosexual or even bisexual. But increasingly it's being used to refer to people of all races who have secret same-sex relations.
- McGreevy scandal uncovers the DOWN LOW
- Essay, Latin American Colloquial expression for Brother, holmes, homey, boy...
- Prison Slang
- Meet The Parents: Memorable Quotes
HammLinks: Around the Web
Jayson Stark takes on some interesting theories on the state of the Phillies farm system. So for all you guys ripping Wade for not getting rid of prospects, you are sadly mistaken. Also on tap today, new Sports Guy, some John Kruk and a tragic story on a Real life Boyz N the Hood story, a football player is tragically shot down just before heading off to college... And the Tax Cut, if more americans actually did the math, it wouldn't be that big of deal. To borrow from David Cross:
"See with the $250 tax cut I can get me a new hammock..." (note: adapted from Comedian David Cross)... "yeah but the rich guys are getting $78,000"... "Oh... hmm... but I still get my $250 right?" ... "Yeah, but..." ... "No buts, I'm on my way to Wal-Marts."