HammRadio Today: 01/06/2005
Last Modified
1/6/2005 7:36 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Ever have a bartender that interrupts your conversation, because he's interested in what you have to say?

A Great 2005 planned for HammRadio.com
I hope everyone had a safe and prosperous holiday. Here is a quick rambling to get us started on the new year. A brand new iPod highlighted my holidays, so don't forget to check out some interesting features in Digital Data and Tuning the Dial on the device. After a year with Tivo, I will be introducing a new feature to HammRadio "What's on Tivo!". DorkCheck's "Babes of the Week", will be in full force and based on web searches, I get most of my hits talking about the hottest women on earth.
Also in the next couple of weeks look forward to the following:
- Sunday Night QB reviews of Eagles games all the way to the Super Bowl
- A Tribute to Reggie White, long over due
- A Series of New Year's Resolutions, and we'll follow them ALL YEAR LONG!
- HammReviews and MORE HammReviews: DVDs, Movies, Music, Concerts and MORE
- Blogging and Message Boarding and Broadcasting and Podcasting? What else will 2005 bring?
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
Ever have a bartender that interrupts your conversation, because he's interested in what you have to say? And since he's working, he really can't follow the flow of your conversation, so he thinks you are talking about something, when you have already moved past it? Ever meet a guy who confused South Park with the Simpsons who happened to look like, or could actually be Ralph Nadar? No? Okay... just me then.
Speaking of failed presidential candidates, I'm taking full blame for the failure of Howard Dean's campaign. Had I paid attention to him more, I could have saved him from himself, or the very least turn the scream into something less embarassing. But the American People, we'll just say 50 per cent of them are stupid. Howard Dean was the real deal. Kerry blew it by not putting him on his ticket. I'm not kidding. Kerry-Dean. It would have sent the GOP off the charts nuts. Probably so far RIGHT, that McCain just might have started shooting delgates at the Convention or at least challenge the Terminator to a fight.
Another thing that pissed me off. Watched Al Gore on a SNL rerun. Okay so he was an automaton. But had we seen the guy on SNL or his fiery speech in 2000, we would be in a different place right now. Thanks Nadar. And we finished talking about Google 5 minutes ago. And Cartman is on South Park not the Simpsons. And don't try to pawn any more of that Maker's Mark bourbon.