HammRadio Today: 01/31/2005
Last Modified
2/2/2005 1:14 AM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
So teenagers don't get the First Amendment? Is this an increasing attempt by the Bush Adminstration for kids to not understand ANY amendment. Wait until they think that it's okay that GI Joe bunks with them!

HammLinks: Around The Web Today
What do you tell a person that hasn't ever had a telephone. I mean this is absolutely crazy. These people in LA are SO far out of the way, they couldn't have a telephone. I have 2 Frigging Cell Phones. That's how connected I am. What's wrong with me? Anyway, one good thing, Market Research companies just increased their sample size, just a little! I imagine for the first couple of weeks, the random sales calls and surveys will be a joy. Then it will become a bane. And next thing you know they will have call-waiting, caller-id, and that Tele-Zapper thing.
Now onto these kids who don't understand the First Amendment. Of course these kids don't know anything. Because they have never been restricted ever in their life. Wait until the first day their thoughts are restricted. It is interesting to note that Teachers and Principals find Offensive lyrics to be a bad thing but not thoughts. Sometimes... I just hate the people in this world.