HammRadio Today: 2/5/2008 --
Just some links
Last Modified
2/5/2008 6:22 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Bobby Knight retires, Pat Burrell's last year? Donny Baseball? And the WWF Wrestling Album. Just some links for today.
No, real thoughts on this Super Tuesday, although these Fees and Hidden Charges pissed me off. Here are some links.
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
- Bobby Knight resigns/retires
- I wonder if it went anything like this.
- Hooters have a new album out.
- The Hooters Nervous Night was the first ALBUM I got when my parents bought me a stereo for Christmas. The second? The WWF Wrestling Album, which had this shit storm of a song. Does that make me OLD. YES!!!! BTW... the WWF Wrestling album and that video needs a complete column by me.
- FOX missed the boat on their coverage of the Super Bowl
- I think that's the joy of watching the game at a party. You don't HEAR the announcers. Of course, You miss half the commercials too.
- Burrells last year?
- It could be. For some fans it can't be soon enough. Not for me. Or My Mom. We're Pat the Bat fans.
- Say it ain't so, Mrs. Donny Baseball
- I figure had Mattingly won a World Series in New York, he would have pulled down something better?
- TMQ Reviews the Super Bowl
- He brings a nice balance to Page 2. Because as much as Bill Simmons has praised the Pats, Easterbrook kills them.
- Philadelphia: One Book now breeds One Film
- And that film is, Empire of the Sun. OH, I already saw that.
- Super Tuesday, What to Expect
- The nominations truly should come down to today. NOTE: Ted Stevens Bridge to Nowhere, mentioned in this article.
- HammRadio.com's suggested On-Line listening Stations
- Pows of the Day:
The Replacements "Alex Chilton" Indie 103.1
Nada Surf "Whose Authority" Indie 103.1
Placebo "Meds" Indie 103.1
*** POW OF THE DAY ***
My Daily Spot
I keep forgetting to put this new feature on the site as a blogroll somewhere. But I wanted to give you a peek into some of the links I check out daily/regulary. I call it "My Daily Spot".
My Daily Spot
- Google
- Hot Deals Club - frequently updated with the be...
- KYW Newsradio 1060
- MSNBC Cover
- mbuzzy.com -
- Digg.com
- My Way
- My iWon
- Philadelphia Traffic Reports
- Phillies 2006 Schedule
- Philly Future - Philadelphia Blogs
- Philly.com
- Sports Guy
- The 9 for Tuesday July 18th
- The Onion | America's Finest News Source
- USATODAY.com - Pop Candy
- W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
- Windows Live
- Woot : One Day, One Deal
- Blog listing from Salon.com
- Hot Chicks with Douchebags
- Pogue's Posts - Technology - New York Times Blog
- The Superficial - Because You're Ugly
- MSNBC -- Clicked
- Hot Deals Club - frequently updated with the be...
General News
- craigslist: philadelphia online community
- iWon
- Lycos Your Personal Internet Guide
- Excite.com
- My Yahoo!
- iWon