HammRadio Today: 2/12/2007 --
The Police to Reunite for a World Tour!
Last Modified
2/12/2007 6:22 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
The Police reuniting is the big news today. And we're still following the Anna Nicole story. And how about that Global Warming!

Maybe you aren't excited about this. And maybe coming on the heels of the Van Halen reunion, it loses luster. But I can't wait for the Police Reunion tour. I also can't wait to spend minimum 75 bucks plus the associated azz-raping fees that Ticket Master charges for lawn seats at the Tweeter. Good times... Good times for all.
SPAM of the Day???
Dr.Jerry Falwell (webmaster-reply@falwell.com) +Add contact To: hammradio.com Subject: More Families Moving to Lynchburg, Va. 0825306345
And what was displayed?? A Kohl's Ad? I think. My email blocked the images. Anyway... Way to go spammers for sending a confusing email. I have no idea how that makes you any money. But good luck!
Anna Nicole stuff continues
Well, this wasn't quite the memorial that Princess Diana got. And in other strange news, it seems that the Bahamian official who helped Anna Nicole get her visa received a affectionate benefit from the buxom beauty. Bizarre Pics to Follow. My guess is this woman won't rest in peace.
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
- How fast can you type???
- I'm almost at 80 words per minute! And I can almost remember the entire Gettysburg Address!
- Does having your staff handle Valentine's Day make you a good husband or a bad one???
- Why do I think if this story came out about Clinton, Rush Limbaugh would make a joke about sending Hillary a box of cigars....
Rocky statue good enough for a Serbian Village but not for us???
- Real Brotherly Love: Here's my depressing story of the day
- Your brother's going to drown. You should know better to cross the ice. But your brother is screaming for help. I have no idea what I would have done. I would hope I was smart enough to tell my sister not to go near the ice.
- If you make less than 52k you can use free tax paying software
- And the IRS helps you out and points you to Tax Payer Advocacy groups. Weird.
- Andy Reid decides to take a leave of absence.
- If this was in the middle of August or September, it would mean more to the team. This is the perfect time to get away from the game and settle things at home.
- Well obviously Global Warming is a myth
- 12 feet of SNOW... Man. When I was a kid, we had this blizzard in March (83??). And I decided to replay the HOTH battle scenes outside with my Action Figures. I think I lost half my collection that day.
- HammRadio.com's suggested On-Line listening Stations
- Pows of the Day:
World Party "What Does it mean now" Skin Radio
*** POW OF THE DAY ***
My Daily Spot
I keep forgetting to put this new feature on the site as a blogroll somewhere. But I wanted to give you a peak into some of the links I check out daily/regulary. I call it "My Daily Spot".
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