HammRadio Today: 04/06/2006 --
Last Modified
4/6/2006 11:07 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Ah, my two favorite subjects... Judas and Dubya. Oddly enough, who comes out on top on this one???? You won't be able to guess!!!

HammLinks: Around the Web Today
What a day. First we find out that Bush OK'd the Valerie Plame leak and then we find out that Jesus encouraged Judas to betray him! Coincidence? I think not. In fact, according to HammRadio sources at the White House, the President had this to say:
Of course I gave Libby the okay to reveal that information. I'm the president. I get to say who gets betrayed and who doesn't. I'm just like Jesus. I authorize the betrayal. Ol' Libby there is like my Judas. Libby, You did a Heckuva job, there pal!
- Excerpts from the Gospel of Judas
- Look I don't want to say anything without fear of pissing the big guy upstairs... but he seems to spend a lot of time LAUGHING at Judas. Like he was some big bully or something. I'm not saying that justifies giving his buddy up to the Romans... but maybe the Christ shouldn't have given Judas a wet willy, that's all I'm saying.
- Judas: How do we Know this thing is TRUE???
- How do we know it wasn't one of those Alternate History Fiction books that Newt Gingrich likes to write?
- Breaking News: A Liberal was allowed to attend a Bush Speech.
- Bush doesn't apologize for wire tapping nor for being the worst President Ever. The NERVE!
- Libby says Bush/Cheney authorized LEAK
- Okay, wait a minute. Bush and Cheney BOTH new about the Leak. And Libby has admited as much? How are the Cons going to spin this one??? That it was okay for the president to out CIA agents during a War on Terrorism???