HammRadio Today: 03/09/2006
Last Modified
3/9/2006 11:26 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
It's 2006 fellows... And there's a guy out there who wants to eliminate the responsibility of having to pay Child Support.

Male Reproductive Rights????
Roe V. Wade was considered a landmark case for the reproductive rights of women. But there was no corresponding case for men. Well, this guy seems to think he has one. He's a good guy. He wants to shirk his responsibility as a father. And I'm all for it. This will make women think twice before they have sex with us. You get pregnant, babe, well that's your fault, that you wanted all of this.
But seriously, I have no idea where this case is going. There are so many more important types of rights that Fathers/Men should have and don't when it comes to reproduction. In the case of Abortion, the father has NO rights in protecting the unborn fetus. In an adoption, the father doesn't have to relinquish his rights to the child. In many cases, a women will hide a pregnancy from the REAL father, because she's chosen a better guy to raise the child. Where are the rights then?
No, the only rights a man has... is to PAY UP... but if you dare try and get some parental rights or decide YOU want to raise the child as your own, deference always goes to the mother. How about fighting for THOSE rights.
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