HammRadio Today: 03/07/2006
Last Modified
3/7/2006 11:59 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
On the heels of the great "Lazy Sunday" Rap Video from Saturday Night Live, Natalie Portman kicks it up a notch...

HammLinks: Around the Web Today
Not much to discuss today... so let's get right to the links...
- Pimpify your name
- You can call me Delicious M. Silk. I think I like that name.
- Natalie Portman Rap Video
- This is tremendous. EVEN though Saturday Night Live is doing what it does best, beat a good thing to death with a baseball bet. This video shows an adorable Natalie Portman rapping. To be honest, had they not included Chris Parnell or the new guy, and replaced Parnell with a real interviewer like John Tesh or Pat O'brien and the new guy with a someone like R. Kelly or Kanye West. This video would be the greatest ever. Instead it feels like a skit and may not have the tremendous appeal of Lazy Sunday.
- Shatner on SNL
- One of the greatest skits of all time. Shatner calls out the Trekkies. Have you EVER Kissed a woman? Get a Life? That Mare had a Foal?
- Rocky Balboa Teaser Trailer
- Nearly incomprehensible. Just as I expected. Rocky 6...
- The Post Show Ulitmate Mix Tape
- This is funny. I think.
- DorkCheck Babe of the Week Nominee | Jenn Sterger
- Eventually, we're going to work on adding content on a regular basis. Thursdays will be for Babe of the Week. Nominee this week, Jenn Sterger one of the Florida State "Cowgirls".
- Nerd Fight Club?
- What Nerds fight with sticks and beekeeper masks. Maybe it's LA Riot gear? Or perhaps a Tron Costume.
- Barry Bonds TOOK STEROIDS!!! And other Tales
- Barry Bonds is probably is the worst person to ever play baseball. But does it matter? Does any of this even matter?
- HammRadio.com's suggested On-Line listening Stations
- Pows of the Day:
Green Day "Welcome to Paradise" Woxy.com Vintage
Midnight Oil "Blue Sky Mining" Woxy.com Vintage
Pimp Your Name ||
Green Day ||
Midnight Oil ||
Natalie Portman Rap Video ||
Portman Rap ||
SNL Rap ||
Lazy Sunday ||
Narnia ||
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