HammRadio Today: 03/06/2006
Last Modified
3/6/2006 11:36 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Some quick thoughts on the Oscars; My Mom loves Brokeback Mountain; Conspiracy Theories abound!

Oscars and Links
Some quick thoughts on the Oscars... we'll get to a more detailed analysis on "This Week in Tivo." First, I thought Jon Stewart did a fine job. Although, you could tell he was incredibly nervous early in the show and the self-deprecating humor might have been lost on the crowd. Actually, alot of his humor was lost on the crowd. But my family thought it was funny.
Speaking of the family, every year my family watches the Oscars together. We put $5 in a pile and do our picks for the top awards. This year however, we picked all 24 award categories. How'd we do? Um... not so good. My sister and husband ended up tied for first and took home the money with 10 correct picks, including the Best Picture winner Crash. I finished with 9. And had my pick of Brokeback Mountain won, I would have been victorious. Oh well, at least I don't have to split the money.But one person who was affected the most about the awards, was my Mother. My mom, who fell in love with Brokeback Mountain, walked out of my sister's house when Crash won. Screaming about some sort of conspiracy. I don't know. She just quit smoking, so I'm not sure if there really is a conspiracy or not. But myy sister who watched nearly all of the films, seemed to think Crash was a tremendous film and affected her more than any of the others on the list. Who knows? If there was a conspiracy, I would think they would have let "Good Night and Good Luck" win. But that's just me. I like conspiracies.
One other surprising fact about the night... My Dad somehow stayed up through the whole show. Now onto Today's links:
- Sports Guy on the Oscars
- The Sports Guy's take on the Oscars
- Murphy | Weekend Cooler
- Water Cooler takes on the Oscars and more.
- Those big stars just don?t get Jon Stewart
- Letterman was considered an Oscar failure. So was Chris Rock. But if you ask their fans, they thought they were very funny. It's funny that folks who like to congratulate themselves for taking a dump or making some sort of revolutionary change... "We were the ones who gave an Academy Award to Hattie MacDaniel in 1939." Thanks Clooney. When was the next time an African American was awarded an Oscar? 20 years later? How about a women? 60 years later?