HammRadio Today: 4/24/2007 --
I'm Lazy and My Mom won't read my blog
Last Modified
4/24/2007 7:59 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
How do you get more readers, when your own mother doesn't read your blog? Granted my material is a little edgy for my mom. And she doesn't find me funny at all. So... there's that.
For some people, only their mom reads their blog. For others, its their ex-girlfriends. Or it's just people looking for Pudding Pops. My biggest problem, is not that I have too many blogs. "Shouldn't you have just one?". Yes, in theory.
Anyway, the biggest problem of hammradio.com, is that I don't post every day on the day these links occurs. Why? Mostly because I'm lazy. And because my Mom is not reading my blog.
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
- Katz switches parties...
- So does the 2 time loser, going to try a third time? Or is he just trying to get the HammRadio.com vote again???
- Tillman's brother claims cover up
- But at least he gets to hang out with Jessica Lynch.
- J ROLL is on fire...
- That would bring me to tears normally. Than I would feel completely guilty, when I read about Jamie Moyer's camp. And I literally cried.
- Simmons proves once again how the lovable Red Sox faithful...
- are no longer lovable... Also, the sports gal is catty. It makes you long for a TMQ. Oh wait... here's the Tuesday Morning Quarterback Mocking the Draft
- Heroes not original?
- Next thing you are going to tell me that Colbert Parodies are legal and not copyright infringements!
- How can we look at the same issue
- And have two completely different opinions. How are their still people who honestly believe that the president is doing a good job. A job well enough to wear a medal?
- It seems you DO need to play golf to get ahead in business.
- That may make it difficult for women to join the old boys club. This might too: "Why I remain a virgin."
- Pro-Gun Protesters Says Anti-Gun Pa. Rep. Should Be 'Hung'
- I guess that's just to prove that it's people that kill people.
- HammRadio.com's suggested On-Line listening Stations
- Pows of the Day:
The Replacements "Alex Chilton" Indie 103.1
Weezer "Sweater Song (Come Undone)" Indie 103.1
Silversun Pickups "Lazy Eye" Indie 103.1
*** POW OF THE DAY ***
My Daily Spot
I keep forgetting to put this new feature on the site as a blogroll somewhere. But I wanted to give you a peak into some of the links I check out daily/regulary. I call it "My Daily Spot".
My Daily Spot
- Google
- Hot Deals Club - frequently updated with the be...
- KYW Newsradio 1060
- MSNBC Cover
- mbuzzy.com -
- Digg.com
- My Way
- My iWon
- Philadelphia Traffic Reports
- Phillies 2006 Schedule
- Philly Future - Philadelphia Blogs
- Philly.com
- Sports Guy
- The 9 for Tuesday July 18th
- The Onion | America's Finest News Source
- USATODAY.com - Pop Candy
- W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
- Windows Live
- Woot : One Day, One Deal
- Blog listing from Salon.com
- Hot Chicks with Douchebags
- Pogue's Posts - Technology - New York Times Blog
- The Superficial - Because You're Ugly
- MSNBC -- Clicked
- Hot Deals Club - frequently updated with the be...
General News
- craigslist: philadelphia online community
- iWon
- Lycos Your Personal Internet Guide
- Excite.com
- My Yahoo!
- iWon