Posted On: 4/26/2007 5:41 PM
So the other day I was whining that my mother doesn't read my blog. Well, someone at the city paper must be.
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Posted On: 4/24/2007 7:59 PM
How do you get more readers, when your own mother doesn't read your blog? Granted my material is a little edgy for my mom. And she doesn't find me funny at all. So... there's that.
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Posted On: 4/16/2007 11:30 PM
Bush understands that the WORST school shooting massacre in American History will generate some gun backlash. So he decides to capitalize on the tragedy to push his agenda.
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Posted On: 7/28/2005 8:01 PM
Hand Guns Used For National Defense. Utah Saints. U-U-U-tah Saints! A couple A-hole of the week nominees. And Diane Lane is hot.
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