Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Your Manager of the Phillies On the Phillies Chris Coste who's trying to make the team, after hitting a homer in his Spring Training debut against the Yanks:

"Coast to coast, trying to make the team. Keep going deep, it's hard to cut a man. I like long balls. That's the quickest way I know to get on the good side of a manager." -- Manuel, on Coste, who hit his first home run of the spring on Thursday -- his second if you count his blast in Monday's intrasquad game

Yup, that's our manager!

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-- Mike Cunningham,


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Philly Sports HQ -- Inside the Dugout -- Phillies

Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Last Modified
3/3/2006 5:42 PM
Story Summary
Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day: Just because the Regular Games haven't started doesn't mean you can't have quotes from the Skipper!
Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Your Manager of the Phillies On the Phillies Chris Coste who's trying to make the team, after hitting a homer in his Spring Training debut against the Yanks:

"Coast to coast, trying to make the team. Keep going deep, it's hard to cut a man. I like long balls. That's the quickest way I know to get on the good side of a manager." -- Manuel, on Coste, who hit his first home run of the spring on Thursday -- his second if you count his blast in Monday's intrasquad game

Yup, that's our manager!

Wanna Chat about anything you read here? To start chatting click here!.

-- Mike Cunningham,


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