Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Your Manager of the Phillies Phils fail to hold on to lead, but Charlie still thinking about April:

"I can tell you a lot of games we could have won," Manuel said. "If we won some in April, it would be different."

You think so Doctor? Yup, that's our manager!

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-- Mike Cunningham,


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Philly Sports HQ -- Inside the Dugout -- Phillies

Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Last Modified
9/27/2005 1:57 PM
Story Summary
Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day: Phils lose to the Mets 6-5 in a loss that could spell the end of the season. Charlie wants to head back to April.
Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Your Manager of the Phillies Phils fail to hold on to lead, but Charlie still thinking about April:

"I can tell you a lot of games we could have won," Manuel said. "If we won some in April, it would be different."

You think so Doctor? Yup, that's our manager!

Wanna Chat about anything you read here? To start chatting click here!.

-- Mike Cunningham,


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