Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Your Manager of the PhilliesThe Phillies manager wraps up the season in a way only he can. Evoke Bon Jovi while lamenting the missing pieces of this near playoff team.

"The better horse I got, the better I can ride," Manuel sang.

He's wanted! Wanted! Dead or alive! Yup, that's our manager!

Wanna Chat about anything you read here? To start chatting click here!.

-- Mike Cunningham,


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Philly Sports HQ -- Inside the Dugout -- Phillies

Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Last Modified
10/3/2005 4:02 PM
Story Summary
Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day: The Phillies manager wraps up the season in a way only he can. Evoke Bon Jovi while lamenting the missing pieces of this near playoff team.
Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Charlie Manuel Quote of the Day

Your Manager of the PhilliesThe Phillies manager wraps up the season in a way only he can. Evoke Bon Jovi while lamenting the missing pieces of this near playoff team.

"The better horse I got, the better I can ride," Manuel sang.

He's wanted! Wanted! Dead or alive! Yup, that's our manager!

Wanna Chat about anything you read here? To start chatting click here!.

-- Mike Cunningham,


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