HammRadio Today: 12/8/2006 --
Why the Internet And Bananas ruin relationships
Last Modified
12/8/2006 8:49 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Relationship advice on a Friday? When else would we give it??? I don't know maybe 6 days later when this finally gets posted. Yeah, that's about right.

Sometimes it's important to remember something when having relationships with women.
- Your girlfriend, fiancee, wife has had sex with other people before you.
- The guy in the cube next to you. Probably wants to have sex with her.
- Women can be friends with men. Men can't be friends with women.
- Based on hours of internet research, I can safely say, that 75% of all American women are on the internet naked or unclothed in some fashion. The other 25% have yet to be uploaded.
- And finally, don't let your girlfriend simulate oral sex on any fruit on videotape.
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
- Officer Daniel Faulkner died 25 years ago -- 12/9/1981
- If you dont' know the facts of the case... or think you DO. Here they are: FACTS.
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- Pop Candy | If it's Friday, it's the Mailbag
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- HammRadio.com's suggested On-Line listening Stations
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