HammRadio Today: 11/27/2006 --
The Zune is not all it's cracked up to be???
Last Modified
11/27/2006 11:55 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Will the Zune be the ipod killer? Does it even have to kill the iPod to be successful? Or will it be sent to the dustbin/discount rack?

The ZUNE has been out for what a week... and it's already a failure? It's amazing how quickly the press can bash something. But then again... there are certain flaws in this player. What is MS looking for? To draw people away from the iPod? Draw people away from people who use other mp3 players? Or get people to Zune before they get to iPod. Perhaps their business model requires all three?
The biggest problem with all mp3 players, is the proprietary formats that each manufacturer requires. Especially those used for DRM (Digital Rights Management.) For the tech savvy, they aren't concerned, because they know what the process would be to "Convert" their purchased iTunes files and get them moved to a non-iTunes player. (The simplest way? Burn a CD with your purchased file. Import that CD into a Windows Media format. Be wary however, those PROTECTED windows media files you already purchased, may not be compatible with the MICROSOFT device!)
For me the switching to a new device would be timeconsuming, but not overwhelming. In preparation for purchasing a large mp3 player a few years ago, I began to import my ENTIRE CD collection. That Christmas, my girlfriend at the time purchased me a 20 GB iPod (click wheel - no color) and I was overjoyed. Until I realized, that the wma files that I had uploaded would not work with the iPod right away. Fortunately, iTunes could import the entire 50 GB wma library (at the time) in just over 24 hours. Imagine trying to explain THAT to a new user!
Now as we approach the holiday season, what will the Mom factor be? What will mom buy for their pre-teen? Well, it's all depends on what the kids are asking for isn't it? When all the kids are getting Reeboks for Christmas and you get LA Gear or British Knights, or some other god forsaken bobo, you are going to have a MAJOR problem. Will the Zune be that bobo?HammLinks: Around The Web Today
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