HammRadio Today: 09/27/2005
Last Modified
9/29/2005 7:17 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Who's going to replace Howard Stern on terrestial radio? People are jockeying for position. Maybe it will be Wilford Brimely.

HammRadio To Replace Howard Stern
What do you think I've been doing the past few months? Just hanging around passing the time for no reason? No... our daily podcasts are all about one thing, becoming the greatest radio personality on the planet! Who is going to replace Howard Stern? I am going to replace Howard Stern! I just need a really good http://www.tvacres.com/signoffs_celebrity_MZ.htm to end the show. Send me an e-mail with your suggestions.
- Disc Jockeying for Position to Replace Stern
- Adam Carolla, Mancow, and Mike Cunningham of HammRadio.com's Proof of Concept set to replace Howard Stern. Two of those three are correct!
- Bob Ford | All fans want is for Phils to win
- It's simple. Win and we'll come.
- Guy Seeks Girl who likes Wilford Brimely
- So you have a fascination with Wilford Brimely or perhaps Quaker Oats. Well this guy is for you. But did you know that Wilford just might be a SWINGER?