HammRadio Today: 06/03/2005
Last Modified
6/6/2005 1:24 AM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
So the North Koreans don't like Dick Cheney. And Bush is cuddling up with the Conservative Right again. And hating Warren Sapp can lead you to drink. Yeah, these are the things that can piss me off.

HammLinks: Around The Web Today
A rainy, cruddy Friday. But I do get to see Keane tonight. I'm pretty excited about that. Except for the rain. Onto the links:
- Why this guy Hates Warren Sapp.
- Man, no one hates Warren Sapp more than me. But it never led me to drink. Um... maybe it did.
- North Korea demands an apology from our vice dear leader, Dick Cheney.
- Cheney "is hated as the most cruel monster and blood-thirsty beast." Um, yeah, we could have told you that. Those silly North Koreans. Why are we even paying attention to them? It's not like they have any weapons of mass destruction. Or are led by a fascist dictator, with a history of atrocties against his own people.
- Is Bush A$$-hole of the week?
- Being a hypocrite is something Bush excels at. But this is a fascinating article at Bush Doublespeak. How can you be for protecting all embryos. But ignoring privately-held embryos? Um, you can't. Bush has to answer this question.
- Home Runs are down. So is overall offense. Is it Steroid testing? Supplement Use? Injuries?
- Gotta be the injuries. And oh... yeah Steroid testing has affected the confidence of hitters and what kind of vitamins they can take. They just want to know is if Flinstones vitamins are okay to take!
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