HammRadio Today: 04/25/2005
Last Modified
4/26/2005 6:10 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Did you ever forget a connection string, and wish there was ONE place where you could find one? Do you think Kirsten Dunst has hit the wall? And Lenny, say it ain't so, Lenny... say it ain't so!

HammLinks: Around The Web Today
If you are wondering who won A$$-Hole of the week last week, it was me. So beat it! On to today's links!
- Star Wars Late Arrival... Remember 1977.
- Kirsten Dunst is ugly. Boy she looks like she's hitting the wall. It must be noted that my sister is a dead ringer for Dunst. This could send my sister over the brink!
- Housing Bubble
- Home Sales hit record high? Which is correct? Connection Strings
- Ebay: Pope Tart -- I'm still giggling at this one.
- Digital Data: Ever Forget a Connection String? This is really geeky I know. But this site is SO useful for me... because I never remember connection strings!
- Dykstra linked to Steroids and Betting
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