HammRadio Today: 04/11/2005
Last Modified
4/11/2005 11:20 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
So Princess Anne has a hot daughter. Who knew!?! And The Apprentice's Chris gets arrested. Well we knew that one right? And is it okay to tackle a guy, just because he standing waiting to talk to Bush? Um... I guess?

Nice Tackle
Okay, I might have overeacted. I was on the phone with my Dad tonight, and I was watching the news footage of the Chinese man getting wrestled to the ground by the Capitol Police. IT was a devastating tackle. All information at that point, said he had nothing in his bags, and he was just standing there looking suspicious. It was until I read the news story above where it listed whether or not he was approached by police. I just thought it was a guy standing there.
I understand that this guy didn't speak English. I now understand that he wouldn't speak to police officers and said he wanted to speak only to President Bush. So I now accept why the Capitol Police used such force to bring the man down. But all he had was a CD Player in his bags. And I gotta think there has to be a better way to subdue a tourist who can't speak English. Right? Or am I wrong?
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
Okay... I said it last week on This Week in Tivo, that "Apprentice" Chris is a head case. And NBC, Trump, Burnett are irresponsible for putting someone like that on television. I'm unsure how he is still on the show. And I'm concerned that this kid is making it to the final. Amazing, that TV Life has translated so easily to REAL Life.
- Apprentice Chris Arrested.
- Nerd Euphoria. These nerds look like they just saw Jolene Blalock take her top off.
- Princess Anne's daughter... damn -- My buddy Wayne, complained about her teeth. But I think this girl is a knockout.
- Murphy Weekend Cooler