HammRadio Today: 04/07/2005
Last Modified
4/8/2005 2:11 AM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Light day today. Light day. Jacko gives Oral? Martha Burk needs new hobby? Star Wars Fan provide the ultimate DorkCheck.

HammLinks: Around The Web Today
Ah the ultimate DorkCheck. You want to see the final chapter in the Skywalker Saga, what does an aspiring Jedi do? Ask Mom to let out the Stormtrooper costume and head to the Mann Chinese Theater to camp out with lesser nerds. Unfortunately, there is ONE problem, young padawan learner. Um... the MOVIE ain't playing there! Forget the force, Luke, USE MOVIEFONE.
Okay, so Jacko gives blow jobs to 9 year olds. Okay, but if you SEE him doing it, shouldn't you do something about it? Like I don't know... call the police? Beat the shizznit out of him? Take pictures???
Stop messing with our childhood characters, please. First you portray Darth Vader as a whiny teenager, and NOW the Cookie Monster is eating less cookies? What's next, the Count will stop doing everyone's taxes??
- Ultimate Dork Check... Future Jedi's use powers to see into the future.
- Guard catches Jacko giving Oral Sex.
- Deny Augusta a Tax Deduction. I think Martha Burk needs a new hobby. Maybe she should take up golf. I've found it to be quite relaxing!
- Sports Guy on U2
- Gold Pants. Silly Sweaters Spawn CD.
- Sugar Free Cookie Monster, made with REAL Sugar Alcohol.