HammRadio Today: 2/14/2008 --
Happy Valentine's Day, These Are Links
Last Modified
2/14/2008 5:46 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Today is Valentine's Day. So if you are out there cuddling were your honey or you are walking home from the bus stop because your car is broke, and it will cost you 767 dollars.

Today is Valentine's Day. So if you are out there cuddling were your honey or you are walking home from the bus stop because your car is in the shop getting it's automatic window fixed for 767 dollars, even though you can find the parts on-line for $350 less than the 450 dollars you were quoted they were cost, here are some links that will make your day a little better.
Like this eCard I got from my friend Stacy. I'm not going to be able to get that song out of my head.
Valentine's Day Poll Results What are some of the most romantic movies and romantic lines?
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
- Iran's President to visit Iraq.
- He claims he's there to see all the successes that the Bush Administration claims the media is ignoring.
- In other news that probably won't go well:
- Somehow, trying to shoot down a dying satellie, will end up like this.
- Clemens aftermath: Wait a minute now his autograph is a problem?
- Here are some of the winners and losers from yesterday's hearing. You know who doesn't win? The American Taxpayer and the Baseball Fan. Especially if that baseball fan pays taxes. You know who you are. Although, if you were an NFL fan, I think you are still ahead.
- Milton Street says... Don't Pay Your Taxes
- This guy is great. He really is. Who knew there was no law saying that we should pay taxes.
"I could not find in the IRS code the statute that authorizes the Internal Revenue to levy and collect a direct tax on the American people's wages. And I will say to you, Miss Williams, if you find that law for me and bring it in here for me, I will plead guilty to all these charges."
Miss Williams, your work is done. Wikipedia is great.- Jane Fonda says the C-word
- And a little viet cong child dies. Or an Angel Gets his wings? Or a Vietnam Vet with no legs gets to drive his car.
- Ryan Howard may be asking for the moon in salary
- But it's a guy like Rollins who should be paid that way. Homeruns are paid as a premium. But it's never been more easy to do what Ryan Howard does. Especially, in the park that he works in.
- Santorum on McCain
- Santorum is making me want to vote for McCain. It's the greatest trickery of all time, or as the NFL broadcasters say, trickeration. "Wait a minute they HATE McCain worse than Clinton??? Shit... we gotta vote for McCain right?" It's genius.
- Atheist finds image of big bang on Toast
- Not quite the Onion, but funny all the same. I hope this doesn't offend any Athiests.
- Poor consume more than they have?
- Yup that's why we need to send them another 600 bucks! Especially since the Fed Sends us this great news. And the Economy has reacted, in the manner in which you'd expect!
- David Pogue: Great Tips for the Small Business
- Get your web presence, without hiring someone like me!
- Red Light Tickets for Funeral Processors
- At least 40 tickets per month, just from one funeral home. I wonder what George Costanza would have to say about this. On the other hand, I'm going to get one of those orange stickers marked funeral and run some red lights. YEE HA!
- HammRadio.com's suggested On-Line listening Stations
- Pows of the Day:
Foo Fighters "Long Road to Ruin" Indie 103.1
*** POW OF THE DAY ***
My Daily Spot
I keep forgetting to put this new feature on the site as a blogroll somewhere. But I wanted to give you a peek into some of the links I check out daily/regulary. I call it "My Daily Spot".
My Daily Spot
- Google
- Hot Deals Club - frequently updated with the be...
- KYW Newsradio 1060
- MSNBC Cover
- mbuzzy.com -
- Digg.com
- My Way
- My iWon
- Philadelphia Traffic Reports
- Phillies 2006 Schedule
- Philly Future - Philadelphia Blogs
- Philly.com
- Sports Guy
- The 9 for Tuesday July 18th
- The Onion | America's Finest News Source
- USATODAY.com - Pop Candy
- W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
- Windows Live
- Woot : One Day, One Deal
- Blog listing from Salon.com
- Hot Chicks with Douchebags
- Pogue's Posts - Technology - New York Times Blog
- The Superficial - Because You're Ugly
- MSNBC -- Clicked
- Hot Deals Club - frequently updated with the be...
General News
- craigslist: philadelphia online community
- iWon
- Lycos Your Personal Internet Guide
- Excite.com
- My Yahoo!
- iWon