9 Thoughts From the Game (Now w/ Video) --
Phils Win 6-1 NL East Champions
Last Modified
9/30/2007 9:44 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
I woke up this morning exhausted from an incredibly tough day. Sometimes sports can bring you the highest highs and the lowest lows. Today was the highest of them all. Can You Feel It? YES!!

So you want to know what it's like to sit in Section 417 during a Phillies game? Well, it feels something like this:
It's hard to describe the emotions of this day. What a weekend. Friday night it began celebrating Restaurant Week at Estia with my Girlfriend, giving scores to folks at another table (who didn't want me to leave until the game ended.) Then heading over to Fox and the Hound to watch the end of the Phillies-Nats and Mets-Marlins games. The Phillies taking over first place was amazing. (This of course followed Thursday night watching the Phillies secure a tie for the NL East lead.)
Yesterday was rough. Driving 5 hours out to Beaver Falls, PA. Listen to Penn State lose. See that the Mets Win. Call a La Salle Football game and watch them lose big to Geneva. Check the Phillies scores and see them lose it. Then drive another 7 hours (with a round trip to a rest stop to look for a lost cell phone. It was a ROUGH miserable day. I didn't know what to expect today. People kept texting me, Do you Feel It, yet? We'll see when my 9 thoughts noted it.:
- I asked my Dad to pick me up early. Everyone had that same thought, the parking lot was FILLED by 1pm. The Fans felt it. My Dad later told me he felt it when he walked into the stadium. He told me teared up. Those wouldn't be the first tears.
- On the Sports Reporters today, Mike Lupica said, it will be great to be at Shea, because the Mets will be starting first, and they will be ahead of the Phillies by a half hour. He was wrong. The place to be was at CBP. When they flashed the 1-0 scoring it was loud. When they flashed the 4-0 score in the first, it was louder. When they flashed the 7-0 score it was incredibly loud. But I didn't allow my self to FEEL it.
- Jamie Moyer got the first strike. That's a good feeling. He was hitting the edges. You could see he had it. He got out of the first with no runs. Better than that other 40 year old Glavine, who took a seat.
- Jimmy Rollins made his MVP case in the first inning. Base hit to start it off. Victorino couldn't get a bunt off, no matter, Jimmy Rollins steals second and third. He scores his first of 2 runs. (Thanks Chase) Chants of MVP? Oh yes they were there.
- Ryan Howard had a big day today. The Phillies had the bases loaded and it looked like they weren't going to score a run. Howard comes up with the clutch hit to give the Phillies a 3-1 lead. I didn't feel it yet.
- I've been very hard on Charlie Manuel this year. Well, since he's been here. I gotta give this guy credit, he really did a great job in this final stretch for the playoffs. He really did. He knew Jamie Moyer was done today. He explained however, that it's the players that make you a good Manager. Okay. He might be right.
- Scoreboard watching was great, but the game was 3-1 for too long and just when I started to get comfortable, I couldn't. Until the 6th inning, when I got angry, watching our second catcher and 3rd Phillie get hit. Then it was Iguchi time, he hits a sac fly that added the 4th run. Then it was Jimmy Rollins time... He hit his 20th triple. And cemented the MVP vote I feel. Did I feel victory yet... I was getting closer.
- Then it was time for Last Year's MVP to let everyone know he was there. And POW he crushed a huge homer. And the euphoria in the building was amazing. You gotta love it when the big boy RINGS THAT BELL. So if you asked me then... Can You Feel It? I'd say YES!
- Then the moment we were waiting for. I went to get my Dad fries after the 4th inning. The guy in front of me said, "I wish this game were over already." Brett Myers came onto the field, and the energy raised to a higher pitch. With each strike. With each out it got louder. The Mets final was posted and the place erupted. You can hear it in the video above. I felt it... and what a feeling!
I know we exaggerate the meaning of sports sometimes. But I got to tell you the meaning of this day is more than just sports. It washes away some bad memories of the last few years. It validates all the time, money and energy spent following a sports team. And most importantly, I got to spend the day with my Dad. At the end as we're both screaming at the victory, he was standing the chairs in front of us as I propped him up, not unlike he proped me up on his shoulder when I was a baby after the Flyers won their first Stanley Cup to watch the impromptu parade down Macdade BLVD.
That's the real feeling I'll remember from this day.
Phillies Poker Chips
If there is any time to start gambling it's with this sweet Poker Set that just arrived. The deal here is pretty good to. 50 bucks. Other places are selling it for as high as 130 bucks.