HammRadio Today: 6/5/2007 --
Silly String Saves Lives, Silly Putty Used As Emergency Condoms
Last Modified
6/5/2007 6:55 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
So it seems that Silly String might be helpful to our Soldiers in Iraq to find IEDs [Improvised Exploding device], but I think they are using it for practical jokes.
So it seems that Silly String might be helpful to our Soldiers in Iraq to find IEDs [Improvised Exploding device] that have been caused a good bulk of the deaths since major hostilities ended. So a soldiers mother in NJ has started a campaign to send Silly String to the boys.
Unfortunately, sending silly string in the mail is not really recommended by the military:
"We appreciate this generous show of support of our troops, but we encourage citizens to do so by sending other non-aerosol items in care packages, as aerosol items are considered hazardous materials and are costly to ship," according to a statement from the U.S. military's Combined Press Information Center in Iraq.
Now the silly string solution seems like a great idea, but I have a feeling it's just going to be used for practical jokes:
According to HammRadio sources, we've heard that our soldiers are using silly putty as emergency condoms:
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