Roethlisberger's Accident Helps Swann's Governor Bid???
Last Modified
6/12/2006 5:21 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Did Rendell plan to injure Big Ben in 2003??? And what will Shawn Andrews weigh in 2015???

Ben Roethlisberger wasn't wearing a helmet in his motorcycle accident today in Pittsburgh. The Rendell Administration backed the repeal of the helmet law in 2003. And now the Steelers top QB breaks his nose and jaw!!!
Now if only he can do something Tom Brady.
Eagles Sign Andrews to Extenstion
A standard news story for the Philadelphia Eagles as they extend Shawn Andrews for seven years. It's always a good idea to lock these guys early. It really does benefit the Eagles and gives the player the sense of security, even though they realize after inflation that their contract is worth peanuts.
And what's he signed until??? 2015... Shudder.