Sports Guy War Part 3: Our Super Bowl is Tomorrow
Last Modified
2/5/2005 8:21 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Fortunately, Bill "Sports Guy" Simmons has been so focused on getting cabs this week, that he hasn't had much time to dis the Eagles and their fans.

by Mike Cunningham
Fortunately, Bill "Sports Guy" Simmons has been so focused on getting cabs this week, that he hasn't had much time to dis the Eagles and their fans. Fortunately today he has added more fuel to the fire. Here's a direct quote from his latest Blog Entry:
One other note from last night: There were various clusters of Eagles fans spread around the party, all of whom were wearing Eagles hats and/or Eagles jackets, like they were tailgating outside of Veterans Stadium or something. I talked to some of them and enjoyed the conversations -- they were VERY giddy and VERY drunk, plus they kept the trash-talking to a minimum (which I appreciated). But one thing cracked me up -- many of them were wearing "NFC Champions" hats, one of the all-time "Happy to be there" red flags. I can't shake the feeling that both the Eagles and their fans already had their Super Bowl, getting past the NFC Title game after three straight agonizing losses. Maybe I'm wrong
This has been the most intriguing question of commentators when talking about the Eagles and their place in this game. "Happy to be here". The Eagles have been to the playoffs under Coach Andy Reid for 5 straight years. During that time the Patriots have missed the playoffs twice. That's a Dynasty? Okay... 2 Super Bowl wins. That's is fantastic. But what did the Pats do after winning their first? Didn't even make the playoffs the next year.
Okay, let's talk about the Eagles not being Battle tested enough this year. The Eagles were in a weaker conference. That is for sure. But the Eagles didn't roll up and pack it in. They didn't just EEK out wins. They DOMINATED the NFC. They didn't take their opponents lightly. They went out and SPANKED teams. They didn't just beat them, they SMOKED them. Losing to Pittsburgh, the only game they lost with all their starters, was an anamoly. You can't talk about that game as a negative for the birds, without saying the same for the Pats. Okay, okay, the pats smoked the Colts and the Steelers in the playoffs when it mattered. But they did lose to A.J. Feeley. I write that again. They did lose to A.J. Feeley.
The Sports Guy is the best sports writer on the planet right now. without a doubt. This week we are at war. And 25 hours from now, we are going to now whether he was right or not. I'm pretty sure I know the answer. Do you?