HammRadio Declares War on Bill Simmons The Sports Guy
Last Modified
2/1/2005 12:57 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
During Super Bowl Week, things will get heated with fans of both the Birds and the Pats. The gauntlet has been laid down. I have declared war on the Sports Guy!

In Response to Bill Simmon's Super Bowl Blog on ESPN.COM, HammRadio.com will respond in kind to his diary and call him out when ever personal attacks are made at Eagle's Players. In today's blog, hopes that Freddie Mitchell wins the Eugene Robinson award. Robinson if you remember was busted for propositioning a female police officer posing as a prostitute.
All Jokes aside, That was a declaration of war. In return here is my message to Mr. Simmons declaring my intent to go to war for the next week! Click Here to E-Mail Me to join the fight. Otherwise, post on my message board.
We are at war. For the entire week, until the end of the Super Bowl, we are war. I'm not a rabid Eagles fan that may flood your inbox with rants. I'm a huge fan, but for this week, I will read your columns as if you were Mike Lupica. It's been hard enough to watch Skip Bayless jump on the Eagles bandwagon, but to read you fan it up for the Pats, it's well hard to stomach this week.
It's not the rooting for your own players as much as rooting against my players. That is unacceptable.
Granted in my own little community (readership of 1) [http://www.hammradio.com], I have taken shots at players before. But I haven't taken any shots at the Pats themselves. In Philly, Pat's is a cheesesteak, not a football team. But that's not where I'm going here. If you are going to be a Yankee fan, then be it. Don't apologize for it. You deserve that right. Unfortunately, that means that every Yankee fan deserves that right.
This is going to be the greatest Super Bowl, ever. It's been a while, where you could say that both teams on either side of the bowl, were the TRUE best of their conferences. St. Louis/Tennesee? Denver/Green Bay?
This is an all-timer. Worthy of every superlative Chris Berman can muster. But please note that, Mr. Simmons for the next week, we are at war.
And it will be glorious!