Sports Guy War: Part 2 And Eagles Links
Last Modified
2/2/2005 1:47 AM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Okay, So I call out Simmons and what does he do? He posts a nice tribute to Johnny Carson and David Letterman. Even called Leno a hack. Thank God for his Photo Blog!

by Mike Cunningham
I'm not sure if the Sports Guy was taking my war seriously. He warmed up to my Declaration of War and posted a nice message on Letterman's tribute to Johnny Carson. I have to say, that growing up, I wanted to be Johnny Carson. He had it. I wasn't sure what it was, but he had it. And I wanted to have it. I would even stay up for Letterman, but I didn't want to be him so much. Not that I didn't think he was funny. In fact there were times where I thought he was funnier than Carson then. But he wasn't lovable like Carson was. I could be that lovable. I think. Yeah... I could be that lovable.
Letterman's tribute to Carson was memorable. The fact that the monologue was Johnny's monologue was moving beyond belief. And if Jay Leno wasn't a robot, it should have killed him. See at one time Leno was a great comedian. Even the Sports Guy laments his old "What's My Beef" segments on Letterman. Leno as a Stand-up is separate from his Tonight Show performance. In fact, rumor has it, that he doesn't spend his Tonight Show salary and lives off his Stand-up. I appreciate the sentiment, but it just sounds like he's a serial killer in waiting.
But it has to be said. Letterman was Carson's favorite son. And Leno stands on hallowed territory and beats the heck out of Letterman every night. It's a shame. But here's a shout out to Conan O'Brien. Your first show, get a guest host. Let Letterman host the Tonight Show one night. It won't be the same. And it won't happen. But it would let Letterman, finally do the show he always dreamed of doing.
Back to The Sports Guy War
So they gave Simmons a camera to take in the sights of the Media Day circus. And the pot shots at the Eagles were many. His self-deprecating shots at himself, calling himself a Yankees fan is now not cute anymore. It's downright despicable. But he won't be able to contain himself. Remember if this was ANY other writer on the planet, it wouldn't matter so much. But it just seems so hypocritical. And no, this war would NOT be happening if the Eagles weren't here.
Simmons actually is validating the whole Freddie Mitchell bashing the Secondary of the Pats. Please. What has he said? This is PURE Media Hype. And seriously, if these guys needed Freddie Mitchell to get them up for this game. What does that tell you? All I know is that, PLEASE Harrison bring the hammer to Mitchell. Because Dawkins, Trotter, and Lewis will bring SO MUCH wood to your receivers you will be able to Build A Log Cabin. Book it.
And The Sports Guy is moving from despicable Yankees like fan to A$$-Hole of the week candidate. With this comment:
The Eagles line up for their team photo, which I'll be hanging over my fireplace -- along with photos of the 2002 Rams and the 2004 Panthers. Thanks for coming, guys. (Whoops, I sound like a Yankees fan again. Sorry.) By the way, the Eagles were extremely loose during Media Day. As Paul said, "They are the QUINTESSENTIAL happy-to-be-there team." Don't blame me, I'm just the messenger.
If you really think this team is just Happy To Be Here, you are sadly mistaken. We'll find out on Sunday. If I was a Pats fan, I'd be scared as hell. Because this is the toughest opponent they have faced in the Super Bowl. The Eagles have a better Coach than the Rams and the Panthers. Better QB. A Better Defense. And A Better offensive system. And their kickers are equals. Give Akers a chance to make a game winner.
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