HammRadio Today: 9/25/2009 --
It's Friday, Wet Blankets And Stolen IDEAS!!!!
Last Modified
9/25/2009 6:26 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
A proposed Light Rail system might have been stolen from me at conversation at the Bishop's Collar. Also, Beerleaguer unveils a Wet Blanket.

Contact Mike Cunningham at Mike (at) HammRadio.com
Philebrity posts this video from Patco/Septa of a proposed Delaware/Columbus BLVD Light Rail. Isn't this the same idea I have been preaching for years??? The last time I said it in public was at the Bishop's Collar after a Phillies game a couple of months ago. Talking to some city planner from NJ... HEYYYYYYY WAIT A MINUTE... Did she steal my idea? Didn't give me her phone number and steals great ideas.
In fairness, my idea was for a modified Light Rail/Monorail system that would extend North all the way up the river to the Northeast, and south down Delaware/Columbus BLVD to Pattison to the Sports Complex to perhaps the Navy Yard. This will work. Now who has the
balls err the Cash??? Isn't this the kind of infrastructure perfect for some stimulus money???
Beerleaguer unveils Wet Blanket to Draw Traffic.
I'm a regular reader and poster on Beerleaguer. It's by far the best Phillies blog on the planet. Because it is, it is also attracts some truly unseemly characters. And I'm not talking about Mets Trolls. But I'm talking about the Extreme Negadelphian. I'm not talking about the guy sitting in front of me at the Linc before an Eagles game who screams a Rant 4 rows from the top of the North End Zone about Andy Reid and his game calling and drafting and weight. The game hadn't even started but this guy had had it with Reid already.
And I'm not talking about the aholes who whine about Chase Utley taking a first pitch strike in the first inning. "CHRIST". There's been one pitch thrown to him? Wanna save the disgust? Actually, I'm talking about those very guys. Unfortunately, the 2008 "Best Philadelphia Sports Writer" resorts to appealing to the common denominator and completely MISFIRES on what another World Championship would mean. Terrible job, Jason. Terrible.
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
- Kirk Cameron gets pwned by Blonde Eastern European Godless Hottie
- It seems Kirk Cameron thinks the Origin of Species is some sort of Nazi blue print for the Holocaust or bible for athiests. Kirk Cameron is an idiot. And this blonde chick completely debunks everything Mike Siever says. Warning: Eastern European accent and "iFilm Movie Print effect"
- Sports Guy makes his Week 3 picks
- He also writes a column about what's wrong with the Patriots. I don't remember any of it because, I remembered their 3 Lombardi Trophies.
- Cleaning up the iTunes Library
- There's nothing more annoying to me than finding untagged files, improperly tagged files, or duplicate songs. My library which is probably nearing 100GB needs some spring cleaning. These tools just might help.
- Repeating a Tweet: Steely Dan: ne perdez pas ce nombre
- Don't these guys look more like the stars of a French Detective show rather than a 70s Prog Rock-fusion band.
- Slut List causes Outrage
- why is this news??? This isn't a new thing... right? i mean don't girls just make fun of each other until one of them develops an eating disorder?
- Gorby is back!
- Two First Steps on Nuclear Weapons By MIKHAIL GORBACHEV
- Protecting your Social Media Privacy
- At some point I have to lock some of my online profiles down. But what can I do... I'm as Kramer says... "OUT THERE, JERRY". There's not much I can do about it. And I like to make jokes. Okay, so maybe they aren't all funny. And some are very cringeworthy. And some potential employer, may not like it. I'll just have to cross that metaphoric bridge when they build it.
- Verizon pays Protection Money for Ring Tones
- ASCAP wants performance royalties for your ring tones. Yup. They seem to think when your mom calls you and your phone lights up and starts playing Ozzy Osbourne's Mama I'm coming Home, that you are entertaining everyone around you. Even if it's just the guy in the next stall. We'll try and figure out what Joe Escalante thinks about this.
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