HammRadio Today: 5/28/2009 --
Look Out Snuggie, Here Comes the Wearable Towel
Last Modified
5/28/2009 6:23 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
A conversation about Snuggie killer, the Wearable Towel. I'm sure they wanted to go with Towelie. Don't forget to bring a Towel.

A conversation about Snuggie killer, the Wearable Towel. I'm sure they wanted to go with Towelie.
[15:56] Kyle: http://consumerist.com/5271654/wearable-towel-summers-answer-to-the-snuggie?skyline=true&s=x
[15:56] Kyle: Mike
[15:56] Kyle: Is this site real?
[15:58] HammRadio: the wearable towel?
[15:58] HammRadio: or consumerist
[15:58] HammRadio: Consumerist is VERY real and is NOW owned by consumer reports
[15:58] Kyle: wearable towel
[15:58] HammRadio: not sure
[15:59] Kyle: The shopping cart is not yet working
[15:59] HammRadio: "perfect to wear with family and friends"
[15:59] HammRadio: We're trying to have a society here!
[15:59] Kyle: lol
[16:00] Kyle: Sex is about the expression of love between a man and a woman - not a man and a sandiwch
[16:01] HammRadio: I cant'. I"m not an orgy guy.
[16:01] HammRadio: Don't you know what it means to become an orgy guy? It changes
everything. I'd have to dress different. I'd have to act different. I'd have to
grow a mustache and get all kinds of robes and lotions and I'd need a new
bedspread and new curtains I'd have to get thick carpeting and weirdo lighting.
I'd have to get new friends. I'd have to get orgy friends.
... Naw, I'm not ready for it.
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
Legislating Against Hugs
- Is Kerri-Lee Halkett Dirty?
- Unfortunately not. But Thomas Drayton tells Dawn Stensland... "You've never had a wild night my friend". And that's hilarious.
- Greatest. Dance. Off. Ever.
- Not since Re-run served thousands of customers at Rob's Place, has there been a better Dance Off between these two fine institutins UCONN and SOUTH FLORIDA. It's 10 minutes of silliness.
- They Might Be Giants sponsors little leage team
- I'm guessing Suicidal Tendencies or The Queers won't be getting any phone calls from any legal teams.
- Real Sitcom? No.
- But should it be? Maybe. Just maybe. From Judd Apatow's Funny People.
- This is Nerdtastic
- If HammRadio.tv ever gets it's feet on the ground. Or if we decide what we really want to do with a video podcast or tv show. I would definitely be influenced by something like this. Funny. Informative. Slick. Although, I think I'd hire better looking actresses. But that's just me.
- Sports Guy takes on the refs in the NBA
- eh. I just want to know if the LeBron puppet gets bogus calls at the end of games to extend games into overtime?
- HammRadio.com's suggested On-Line listening Stations
- Pows of the Day:
My Morning Jacket "One Big Holiday" Indie 103.1
U2 "With or Without You" WOXY Vintage
Psychedelic Furs "Love My Way" WOXY Vintage
*** POW OF THE DAY ***